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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Pediatric Stroke Network Welcome to PSN! The goal of this site is to bring together friends and families of infant or childhood stroke survivors from around the world. Because childhood stroke is relatively uncommon, but steadily on the rise, finding other parents to connect with can often be difficult. Especially when you are looking to find parents dealing with the same type of stroke or after effects and disabilities. Finding parents who have children that have experienced the same life long effects can also be frustrating. PSN is dedicated to helping parents and families cope and move forward in their lives. PSN is also the first support group for infant, pediatric and childhood stroke registered with the American Heart Association. I must stress that parent and family involvement is the key. Website
Pediatric Visual Diagnosis Fact Sheet This collection of fact cards contains information on six common visual diagnosis, as well as information on eye specialists and vision assessments. Content topics such as "Visual and Behavioral Characteristics", "Myths", and "Teaching Strategies" make the fact sheets useful to families, therapists, and medical and educational professionals who work with children with visual impairments. Document
People-First Language "Everyone deserves dignity and respect. Yet historically, our words have contributed to negative attitudes and misrepresentations about the value of people with disabilities in our society. To end discrimination — at work, at school, and in our communities — it’s important to stop using language that denies a person's value, individuality, and capability. As its name implies, People-First Language puts the individual first and the disability second." This handout was created by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. For more information, visit https://tcdd.texas.gov/. Document
PEP- Preschool Education Program The PEP website houses a model for early childhood special education. PEP is a non-categorical preschool program for children aged 3 to 5 with special needs in Montgomery County, Maryland. PEP operates on a transdisciplinary model of best practices in Early Childhood Special Education. The Preschool Zone site is connected to Maryland's Preschool Education Program (PEP) and houses many inclusive activities organized by theme for teachers. This site also hosts a technology section with advice about how to integrate devices into your classroom environment. Access to trainers and parent educators here too. Website
Percepciones y lenguaje sobre la discapacidad (Disability Perceptions and Language) El lenguaje utilizado para hablar de las personas con discapacidad ha tenido una poderosa influencia en la configuración de las percepciones y actitudes de la sociedad. Cada uno tiene sus propias preferencias a la hora de hablar de su discapacidad. Esta hoja de consejos analiza las percepciones y los estereotipos de las discapacidades, así como el lenguaje que prioriza a la persona y la identidad. The language used to talk about people with disabilities has had a powerful influence in shaping society’s perceptions and attitudes. Everyone has their own preference in how they talk about their disability. This tip sheet discusses the perceptions and stereotypes of disabilities as well as person-first and indentity-first language.  Tipsheet
Perceptions of and Solutions to Reducing Sitting Time in Young Children: A Qualitative Study Children in child care often sit for long periods. This study identified child care educators’ ideas about what practice or policy changes can be made to reduce the time children spend sitting.  Document
Person First Language Handout A handout decribing the use of person first language. See also the Info Module in the Learning Center on the Language of Disability Document
Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities This document from the United States Department of Education is a brief summary of Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program and application. Document
Pets in the Family Child Care Setting Guidelines, precautions, and tips for providers with pets in the FCC to ensure all children, adults, and animals are healthy and safe. Tipsheet
Physical Developmental Delays: What to look for The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently launched Physical Developmental Delays: What to Look For, an interactive online tool for parents of children ages 5 and under to use when they are concerned about their child's motor development. Health care providers who are approached with these concerns can refer to the AAP clinical report, Motor Delays: Early Identification and Evaluation, which includes an algorithm to guide developmental surveillance and screening, red flags signaling a need for prompt referral, and recommendations, including appropriate testing. Website