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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Perceptions of and Solutions to Reducing Sitting Time in Young Children: A Qualitative Study Children in child care often sit for long periods. This study identified child care educators’ ideas about what practice or policy changes can be made to reduce the time children spend sitting.  Document
Person First Language Handout A handout decribing the use of person first language. See also the Info Module in the Learning Center on the Language of Disability Document
Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities This document from the United States Department of Education is a brief summary of Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program and application. Document
Pets in the Family Child Care Setting Guidelines, precautions, and tips for providers with pets in the FCC to ensure all children, adults, and animals are healthy and safe. Tipsheet
Physical Developmental Delays: What to look for The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently launched Physical Developmental Delays: What to Look For, an interactive online tool for parents of children ages 5 and under to use when they are concerned about their child's motor development. Health care providers who are approached with these concerns can refer to the AAP clinical report, Motor Delays: Early Identification and Evaluation, which includes an algorithm to guide developmental surveillance and screening, red flags signaling a need for prompt referral, and recommendations, including appropriate testing. Website
Physiologic Hearing Screening for Infants and Toddlers This instructional package discusses the importance of periodic, physiologic hearing screening for infants and toddlers. It provides practical guidance for health care providers on how Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening can be conducted during well-child visits. Website
Picto Selector PECS was developed in 1985 as a unique augmentative/alternative communication intervention package for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disabilities. First used at the Delaware Autistic Program, PECS has received worldwide recognition for focusing on the initiation component of communication. PECS does not require complex or expensive materials. It was created with families, educators, and resident care providers in mind, so is readily used in a range of settings. Select from 11,000 pictos and combine them into picto sheets. Fast search options and categories to select from. Create you're own pictos from photos and text. Use drag and drop to combine picto in sheets that visualizes daily tasks. Available in Dutch, French, English, Spanish, Catalan, German and Italian. Website
PKD Foundation The PKD Foundation site has research information, friends and groups chat forums and contacts, legislative action alerts, news, self-produced publications, conference information and very well categorized links related to Polycystic Kidney Disease and issues concerning it's treatment and diagnosis. Information in other languages is available, however it is not administered or monitored by PKD Foundation. Website
Planning for the Transition to Kindergarten: Why it Matters and how to Support Success The transition to kindergarten is a time that presents changing demands, expectations, and supports for children and their families. When children experience discontinuities between preschool and kindergarten, they may be at greater risk for academic failure and social adjustment problems. Thus, building and implementing a seamless kindergarten transition can make a significant difference for children's early education experience. Document
Planning for Winter Emergencies Programs in areas that experience extreme cold should have a plan for handling winter emergencies. Explore tips [from Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center - ECLKC] your program can use to prepare for emergencies such as frostbite, hypothermia, and loss of power. Website