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Parents learn, babies talk: How Coaching moms and dads Leads to Better Language Skills among Infants When it comes to helping infants learn to talk, it’s not just how much parents say, but how they say it.  Speaking directly to the baby with a style of speech known as “parentese” — talking slowly and clearly, often with exaggerated vowels and intonation — appears to improve infant language development. A new study from the University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS) shows that parents who learn how and why to speak parentese can have a direct impact on their children’s vocabulary.
Parents of Galactosemic Children, Inc. Parents of Galactosemic Children, Inc. website provides support and educational information to families and professionals. Website
Parents' Response to Baby's Babbling Can Speed Language Development The way that family members and caregivers respond to an infant's babbling can affect the baby's language development, a new study suggests. Over six months, researchers observed the interactions between 12 mothers and their infants during free play. The infants were 8 months old at the start of the study. When parents listened and responded to a baby's babbling, infants began to form complex sounds. The babies whose parents responded to babbling also started using language more quickly, according to the study. Website
Parents’ Prescription: Talk, Read, and Sing Just before parents leave the hospital with their newborn for the first time, doctors go through a list of discharge instructions, including guidelines for how to keep their baby healthy and safe. As families return to pediatricians for regular wellness checks, there is one topic that many pediatricians never address, yet one physician-scientist says should get top billing.
Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions Listen as Beth Menninga, our CICC Coaching Manager, joins Inclusion Matters and shares key practices to support our youngest learners through common daily separations and reunions.  Podcast
Part 1: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Infants and Toddlers Listen as our guest, Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul, talks about one of her passions, supporting play in young children.  Dr. Starks shares that play is relationship based and your environment matters.  How can you align your space to foster early social emotional connection through play? Join us as we explore this important topic.  Podcast
Part 2: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Extended Separations and Reunions In this second part of our discussion, we are joined again by CICC Coaching Manager, Beth Menninga.  This segment focuses on extended separations and reunions with infants and toddlers.  We discuss military deployment, divorce/break up or split households, work travel, incarceration, foster care, hospitalization, immigration related separations, teacher leaves, and change of classroom or care setting.  Podcast
Part 2: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Preschoolers Join in our second part of a discussion on the importance of play with Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul.  We discuss the fact that play is a developmental need and that all children show us what they need through play.  Quality play is encouraged through the supports, prompts, activities, and experiences that we provide in the early childhood setting. Listen as Dr. Starks encourages us all to play! Podcast
Partnering with Parents--Building a Supportive Relationship Priscilla Weigel spends time with Michele Fallon, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant discussing the essential connection with families when you are caring for young children.  The two examine ways to provide parents the opportunity to be heard and supported, in order to build healthy foundations. Podcast
Partnering with Parents--Cultivating A Relationship Michelle Fallon, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, joins Priscilla Weigel to discuss the ways in which child care providers can promote healthy parent/child and family relationships and how the quality of the relationship between parents and providers can impact the child.