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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Our-Kids: Discussion Forum for Parents of Childen with Special Needs The Our-Kids website hosts a general e-mail dialogue and discussion forum for parents, families or others close to children with special needs. They address specific problems/concerns with feeding, learning, schools, medical resources, techniques and equipment, as well as describing the problems to friends and family or just coping. For discussion, getting ideas from others and general support. Website
Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Bibliography This bibliography contains citations for all the out-of-school time (OST) program evaluations and research studies that Harvard Family Research Project is currently tracking. Some of these evaluations and research studies we have profiled and added to our Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Database. For those in this bibliography that we have not profiled yet, we do not have detailed information on the evaluations and studies, but we do provide basic program or research study information as well as links to relevant evaluation and research reports. Website
Outdoor Learning Outdoor learning is beneficial for the health and wellbeing of both children and caregivers. Make the most of your "outdoor classroom" with these tips. Tipsheet
Outdoor Learning Part 1 (The Benefits of Outdoor Learning) Children and adults both benefit from time outdoors!  We can use our outdoor space in a way that encourages amazing learning for the children in our care. Listen as our guest, Joey Schoen, from Dodge Nature Preschool, shares ways to set up your outdoor space to maximize the learning and fun potential for children.  Podcast
Outdoor Learning Part 2 (Changing the Scenery and Safety Concerns)   Joey Schoen from Dodge Nature Preschool continues our discussion of outdoor learning and shares about ways to set up for success.  Communication and planning are essential components. Listen and learn ways you can use items that you may have in inventory that will enhance the play outdoors! Podcast
Overcoming Play Challenges Through Play Partners How to support the development of play and social interaction skills using a play partnering approach. Tipsheet
PACER Center Parent Advocacy Coalition Rights Center's (PACER) programs help parents become informed and effective representatives for their children in early childhood, school-age and vocational settings. Translation is available in Hmong, Spanish and Somalian. Website
PACER Center - KITE Project KITE, developed at PACER Center in Minneapolis MN, is a federally funded project designed to train parents and teachers to more effectively include young children with disabilities in their homes and classrooms through the use of assistive technology. The KITE model of training works with teams of teachers and support groups. Technical assistance, support and materials are available through the program. Nationwide training is available. Website
PACER Center Early Childhood E-News The Early Childhood E-Newsletter us a publication of the PACER Center. It is a resource for parents of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them. Website
PACER Centr's Project for Fams. Of Children W/ EBD This site is housed by Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER), its projects intent is to train parents as advocates for themselves and their children in utilizing all the resources available for children and families working with Behavioral and Emotional Disabilities. It offers individual assistance for parent advocates over the phone and in person and it offers a 160 page, self-produced, free book about educational planning for a child with E/BD's. Handouts, articles, other publications available and a host of other resources are connected through PACER's homepage. Website