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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Partnering with Parents--Healthy and Supportive Boundaries Michele Fallon, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, joins Priscilla Weigel to continue their discussion about partnering with families.  The focus of this podcast communicates the way healthy boundaries relate to the significant partnership with a parent.  Tips are shared for ways to build connection. Podcast
Partners in Care: Supporting Fussy Babies in Child Care Partners in Care: Supporting Fussy Babies in Child Care is a booklet that was developed by the Fussy Baby Network to support infant child care teachers, infant program directors, and other professionals in supporting families and their fussy babies, who may also have difficulties with feeding, sleeping, and other daily routines Document
Partners in Policymaking Partners in Policymaking was created in Minnesota by the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities in 1987. Partners is an innovative, competency based leadership training program for adults with developmental disabilities and parents of young children with disabilities. The purpose of the program is twofold: To teach best practices in disability, and to teach the competencies of influencing and communication Website
Partnership for People with Disabilities The Partnership for People with Disabilities, formerly known as the Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities (VIDD), is recognized by the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities as a university center for excellence in developmental disabilities. Founded in 1985 under the leadership of Dr. Howard Garner with fewer than five staff at Virginia Commonwealth University, today the Partnership is proud to operate more than 20 federal and state programs, staffed by more than 100 professionals and students supporting individuals with disabilities and their families. The Partnership maintains an interdisciplinary approach to all of its activities, which allows it to explore a wide spectrum of professional services and community interests as it seeks to expand opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Among our most important partners in our efforts to create communities where all people live, work, and play together with choices and independence, are numerous disability service providers, K-12 schools and school divisions, universities and colleges, professional organizations, state and local agencies. Together, we are able to accomplish what no one agency or individual could ever hope to accomplish alone. No history of the Partnership would be complete without a special tribute to our advisory group members, advocacy groups, parents and parent organizations, individuals and families, who provide the basis and the energy for this exciting journey toward self-determination and community inclusion for persons with disabilities. Website
PATHWAYS OF EXPOSURE TO POTENTIALLY HARMFUL CHEMICALS During the 2009 legislative session, the Toxic Free Kids Act was passed and signed into law by the governor. This legislation requires the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to create two lists of chemicals: one list called “Chemicals of High Concern” and one called “Priority Chemicals.”The Toxic Free Kids (TFK) program is housed in the Environmental Surveillance and Assessment Section within the Environmental Health Division and supports the MDH mission to protect, maintain, and improve the health of all Minnesotans.The Toxic Free Kids program has created a brief factsheet explaining toxic chemical exposures. It is available in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.
Pathways RTC: Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures The Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health is dedicated to promoting effective community-based, culturally competent, family-centered services for families and their children who are, or may be affected by mental, emotional or behavioral disorders. This goal is accomplished through collaborative research partnerships with family members, service providers, policy makers, and other concerned persons. Research information, conference information, publications and a newsletter are all available on line. Training is offered for graduate and undergraduate students to become acquainted with research in the family education field. Website
Pautas para el uso de elementos de presión profunda y ponderados en programas para la primera infancia (Guidelines for Use of Deep Pressure and Weighted Items in Early Childhood Programs) La presión táctil profunda es una forma de entrada sensorial táctil que tiene un efecto relajante, calmante y organizador sobre el sistema nervioso. Se puede proporcionar sujetándolo firmemente, abrazándolo, apretando y usando artículos pesados. La presión táctil profunda puede ser beneficiosa para las personas con altos niveles de ansiedad o con niveles elevados de excitación. Tipsheet
Peanut Allergies Peanuts are one of the food allergens most commonly associated with anaphylaxis, a sudden and potentially deadly condition that requires immediate attention and treatment. Learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis, management and treatment of peanut allergies. Document
Pediatric Development and Behavior The Pediatric Development and Behavior site promotes better care and outcomes for children and families affected by developmental, learning, and behavioral problems by providing access to clinically relevant information and educational material for physicians, fellows, resident physicians, and students. The site may also be of interest to psychologists, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, therapists, educators, and parents. Lots of links, discussion groups, books and current news. Website
Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets These pamphlets are written by Dr. Jim Chandler, a pediatric psychiatrist in Nova Scotia, Canada. The pamphlets describe the diagnosis and common treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Social Phobia, Panic Disorder, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, Tourette's and Tic Disorders, and Learning Disabilities. Website