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The Medical Side of Behavioral Concerns In this episode Pediatrician, Dr. Kris Gendreau joins us to discuss the ways a child’s pediatrician can help decipher behaviors that may challenge.  She notes that behaviors can tell us that a child may be uncomfortable in their body, either due to external factors or internal factors and the pediatrician can dig deeper to decern what may be the cause.  Listen to learn more!   Podcast
The Melancholy Mystery of Lullabies This fascinating article from the New York Times explores the connections lullabies create between babies and caregivers. Document
The Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) and the Minnesota School-Age Care Alliance (MnSACA) The Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) and the Minnesota School-Age Care Alliance (MnSACA) are professional associations of more than 700 members each. The members from our organizations are a diverse group of professionals representing early care and education and school age and youth programs across Minnesota. The members are teachers, youth workers, center directors, site coordinators, program managers, trainers, and advocates. MnAEYC-MnSACA promotes quality in early care and education and out-of-school time programs and supports the leadership and development of early care and education and out-of-school time professionals. We forward this mission by focusing on Professional Development, Program Improvement, and Policy & Advocacy. Website
The Minnesota Early Hearing Detection And Intervention The Minnesota Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program ensures that all newborns are screened for hearing loss. Children need screening for hearing loss beyond the newborn period. Not all newborns receive recommended follow-up and not all hearing loss can be identified at birth. Continued periodic hearing screening programs are critical for identifying a wide range of hearing health needs not found though hospital-based newborn hearing screening programs. Website
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities The mission of the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities is to work toward assuring that people with developmental disabilities receive the necessary support: achieve increased independence, self determination, productivity integration and inclusion into the community. Workshop information, news and events, a lending library and publications are available through the website. Website
The Music and Learning Connection Listen as podcast guests Dianna Babcock and Jane Tate of MacPhail Center for Music discuss the evidence that music does have a positive impact on a young child’s executive functioning skills.  Helpful tips for infusing music into your setting will also be shared. Podcast
The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders is a multi-university center, funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to promote the use of evidence-based practices for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders has posted a number of resources for the public on their Web site, including: (1) Evidence-Based Practices for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders; (2) Autism Internet Modules; and (3) Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorders Online Course content. Website
The National Rehabilitation Information Center NARIC has collected and disseminated the results of federally funded research projects. NARIC's literature collection, which also includes commercially published books, journal articles , and audio visuals averages around 200 new documents per month. Site includes a quick referral, databases searches, and specific project information. Website
The New York Institute for Special Education (NYISE) NYISE is a private, nonprofit facility which provides quality program for children who are blind or visually disabled, emotionally, and learning disabled and preschoolers who are developmentally delayed. It does have a Blindness Resource Center Website
The Nth Degree Inclusion T-Shirts This site is about recognizing today's injustices and tomorrow's possibilities. If we are to make this world a better place for everyone we must make it a better place for those of us living with disabilities, for we are everyone, now and someday.Inclusion t-shirts are available for purchase through this website. Website