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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Preventing Expulsion from Preschool and Child Care Expulsion deprives young children of the benefit of early childhood education and may leave unaddressed the mental health issues that lead to challenging behaviors. Watch the Exploring Implicit Bias videos from Zero to Three to learn more. Website
Preventing Expulsion in Child Care Strategies to prevent suspension and expulsion of children with challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Preventing Injuries to Your Child's Mouth From the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center:As a parent, you want to keep your child safe, but you learn that injuries can happen in a moment. Children can injure their mouths when they fall or trip. They can also injure their mouths when they climb on furniture or run with something in their mouth. Document
Preventing Mosquito Bites Mosquitoes bite day and night. They spread germs through bites that can make you sick. Prevent illness by protecting yourself and your family from mosquito bites. Follow these steps from the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Website
Preventing Suspension and Expulsion From the Disabilites Services Newsletter, suspension and expulsion of young children are widespread problems. Data shows preschool children are expelled at least three times more than school-aged children. Data consistently indicates large racial disparities, with young boys of color being suspended at disproportionately high rates. Data also suggests early expulsion or suspension predicts later expulsion or suspension. This means children who experience exclusionary discipline practices in preschool are more likely to experience suspension or expulsion in later years.
Preventing Suspensions and Expulsions in Early Childhood Programs The purpose of this guide is to provide relevant, specific recommended policies and practices that are actionable and address the underlying root causes and provide effective alternatives. The recommended policies and practices are based on the most important research for eliminating suspensions and expulsions in early childhood settings and were developed with guidance from a panel of national experts. Website
Preventing the Spread of Communicable Illness Communicable illnesses—also known as an infectious or transmissible diseases—are often easily prevented with proper handwashing procedures and strict enforcement of health and exclusion protocols and guidelines. This tip sheet covers how germs are spread and how best to prevent infections in the child care setting. Tipsheet
Preventing, Monitoring, and Managing Head Lice This tip sheet highlights important steps in preventing, monitoring, and managing head lice in early care and education programs. Tipsheet
Prevention of Expulsion in Early Childhood: Part One In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel begin a three-part series on what expulsion means in early childhood and how it affects children and families. Podcast
Prevention of Expulsion in Early Childhood: Part Three In the final podcast on expulsion, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will talk about proactive steps to prevent expulsion from occurring Podcast