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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Oral Deaf Education Oral Deaf Education website offers information and free resources for parents and professionals on the topic of oral deaf education. This organization ofers videos, training materials and written infomration with a goal of encouraging oral education to children who are deaf. The site also links to school across North America who particpate in oral deaf education. Website
Oral Health Tooth decay is the most common childhood disease, but it's preventable. Children with dental pain can have trouble speaking clearly, eating, and learning. Use the resources below to promote a healthy mouth. Learn about proper toothbrushing and other preventive measures and how to find a dentist. This resource is from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).
Oral Health: Health Tips for Families This fact sheet provides tips to help families ensure that their children's oral health begins in infancy. Document
Organization for Autism Research OAR funds pilot studies and targeted research within specific modalities and issues affecting the autism community, primarily for studies whose outcomes offer new insights into the behavioral and social development of individuals with autism with an emphasis on communications, education, and vocational challenges. The identification of priorities for OAR?s research will be undertaken with focus groups comprised of parents, educators, clinicians, and leading authorities whose life work is the promotion of autism research and the dissemination of information to the autism community. Our immediate task is the creation of an overall strategy for research to address issues "across the lifespan." While OAR´s scope encompasses applied and biomedical research, its emphasis from the beginning is heavily weighted toward the applied. Website
Orientación para educadores (Coaching for Educators) Cómo el uso del entrenamiento como herramienta de desarrollo profesional beneficia a los educadores, administradores, niños y familias de cuidado infantil temprano. How the use of coaching as a professional development tool benefits early child care educators, administrators, children, and families. Tipsheet
OSEP Policy Letter Regarding the Extended Part C Option of the IDEA The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has published a new policy letter (May 9, 2016) regarding the option to make Part C early intervention services available to children aged three and older under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and clarifying that there is nothing in the IDEA or its implementing regulations that addresses whether an individualized education program (IEP) must be developed before a parent chooses Part C early intervention services or chooses Part B services for their child beyond the age of three. Document
Our-Kids: Discussion Forum for Parents of Childen with Special Needs The Our-Kids website hosts a general e-mail dialogue and discussion forum for parents, families or others close to children with special needs. They address specific problems/concerns with feeding, learning, schools, medical resources, techniques and equipment, as well as describing the problems to friends and family or just coping. For discussion, getting ideas from others and general support. Website
Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Bibliography This bibliography contains citations for all the out-of-school time (OST) program evaluations and research studies that Harvard Family Research Project is currently tracking. Some of these evaluations and research studies we have profiled and added to our Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Database. For those in this bibliography that we have not profiled yet, we do not have detailed information on the evaluations and studies, but we do provide basic program or research study information as well as links to relevant evaluation and research reports. Website
Outdoor Learning Outdoor learning is beneficial for the health and wellbeing of both children and caregivers. Make the most of your "outdoor classroom" with these tips. Tipsheet
Outdoor Learning Part 1 (The Benefits of Outdoor Learning) Children and adults both benefit from time outdoors!  We can use our outdoor space in a way that encourages amazing learning for the children in our care. Listen as our guest, Joey Schoen, from Dodge Nature Preschool, shares ways to set up your outdoor space to maximize the learning and fun potential for children.  Podcast