
Nutrition and Oral Health for Children

Short Description
In 2000, the Pacific West MCH Distance Learning Network was established in response to the identified training needs of maternal and child health (MCH) practitioners providing nutrition services in the Pacific West, and to the continuing education priority established in maternal and child nutrition. Activities included development of a distance learning curriculum, Nutrition for Children with Special Health Care Needs, and a 4-hour videoteleconference. The Advisory Group overseeing this project included nutritionists from state Title V in HRSA Regions IX (Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada) and X (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) who have been involved in nutrition training activities coordinated by the University of Southern California?s University Affiliated Program and the University of Washington?s Center on Human Development and Disability. In 2002, the Advisory Group [link] was expanded to included practitioners from other western states (Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming) and to include oral health experts. Nutrition for Children with Special Health Care Needs was converted from a CD-ROM to a web-based format, and another web-based curriculum, Nutrition and Oral Health for Children, was developed. In addition, 4 group-study modules were developed and delivered to audiences in the Pacific West region. A brochure describing these curricula is available.