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Results: Page 28 of 210
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc. The Birth Defects Research for Children, Inc. organization is a membership site that seeks to educate parents of children with birth defects and create a network of information and personal exchange pertaining to birth defects. Newsletters, phone info, products and services are available. Website
Birth Injury Guide Visit BirthInjuryGuide.org for comprehensive information on many types of birth injuries, including symptoms, causes, treatment, and more. The mission of the website is to provide answers to parents of a child affected by a birth injury. http://www.birthinjuryguide.org/ Document
Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! from the US Department of Education, encourages healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for young children, and support for the families and providers who care for them.
Birth to Three The Birth to Three website is based in Conneticut and explains in great detail their system. However, the site has valuable information regarding children with special needs. Including information on Autism, play, the importance of natural environments. The site also has online newsletters as well as an online discussion board for families to share stories with each other. The site is available in Spanish. Website
Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part One In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will look at the reasons behind infant and toddler biting behaviors from a development lens. Podcast
Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part Two In Part 2 of the series on biting behaviors, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will offer strategies for both prevention and intervention of biting in early childhood programs. Podcast
Black Mamas Matter Alliance (BMMA) “Black Mamas Matter Alliance is a Black women-led cross-sectoral alliance." They "envision a world where Black mamas have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy.” Website
Blindness : Learning In New Dimensions (BLIND Inc.) Blindness: Learning In New Dimensions (BLIND Inc.) is an adjustment to blindness training center. We teach the skills that blind people need to become independent and employable such as Braille, home management, the use of the white cane, and computers with screen reading software, etc. The website offers training for adults, children, teenagers, and seniors. Website
Blob Tag: Training Activity Activity to use to reenergize a group - need large space. Document
Board Books and More: Hispanic Heritage Whether they are learning their letters, colors, or nursery rhymes, little ones will have fun with these books! These titles for young readers celebrate Latino/Latin American cultures, and many of the books are available in bilingual editions or Spanish-language versions. Document