Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 181 of 213
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Temperament | The nine types of temperament, typical traits and characteristics associated with each, and tips for supporting positive behavior. | Tipsheet |
Temperamento (Temperament) | Los nueve tipos de temperamento, los rasgos típicos y las características asociadas con cada uno y consejos para apoyar un comportamiento positivo. The nine types of temperament, typical traits and characteristics associated with each, and tips for supporting positive behavior. | Tipsheet |
Teoría de apego (Attachment Theory) | Definir y describir la teoría del apego. Examine los comportamientos que usan los bebés/niños y los cuidadores para apoyar el desarrollo de la relación de apego. Aprenda estrategias para apoyar la relación de apego de los bebés/niños con sus cuidadores principales.Área del marco de conocimientos y competencias - II.C: Promoción del desarrollo social y emocional Área de contenido de CDA - III: Formas positivas de apoyar el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños Este curso es accesible desde un dispositivo móvil. Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda verlo desde una computadora o tableta.Para diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envielo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. | Course |
TFH Special Needs Toys | We are providers of carefully selected fun products designed to help you or those in your care enjoy life, and achieve more. Use this site and our catalog to stimulate your imagination, begin programs, or reinforce encouraged behaviors. | Website |
The ABCs of Safe Sleep | The primary message for parents and others who care for infants is to "Remember the ABCs of Safe Sleep." There are three critical measures to follow when it's time for an infant to sleep. | Document |
The Accessible Guide for Specialized Ground Transp | The Accessible Guide for Specialized Ground Transportation provides a quick resource for locating specialized ground transportation both publically ands privately. This guide is available for purchase via this site. | Website |
The Advocate's Bookstore Just for Kids | The Advocates Bookstore Just for Kids has a small selection of children's books related to dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and learning disabilities. Amazon links | Website |
The Alert Program | The program allows students to learn what they can do before a spelling test or homework time to attain an optimal state of alertness for their tasks. Teachers learn what they can do after lunch, when their adult nervous systems are in a low alert state and their students are in a high alert state. Parents learn what they can do to help their toddler's nervous system change from a high alert state to a more appropriate low state at bedtime. Although the Alert Program® initially was intended for children with attention and learning difficulties, ages 8-12, it has been adapted for preschool through adult and for a variety of disabilities. If children are intellectually challenged or developmentally younger than the age of eight, the program's concepts can be utilized by staff to develop sensory diets (Wilbarger & Wilbarger, 1991) to enhance learning. | Website |
The Amazing Human Brain and Human Development | Discover the hows and whys of the human brain, and gain a better understanding of brain functioning in maltreated children. | Website |
Results: Page 181 of 213