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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Teaching Babies to Pay Attention Scientists have known that infants? early learning experiences may positively affect later development through processes called ?developmental cascades.? For example, walking and fine motor skills have been associated with vocabulary size and later language development. These cascades have been commonly theorized, but until now evidence supporting them has been largely correlational. A new study demonstrates a powerful link between training infants to reach for an object and later heightened interest in objects and focused attention. Document
Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity This guide outlines a series of instructional strategies that have proven to be successful in educating children with ADHD. Teaching Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Website
Teaching the Concept of Equity Through Gardening In this article from Edutopia, "Plants can illustrate how different people need different things to be nourished—and how equality and equity differ." Website
Teaching Tools for Challenging Behavior The Teaching Tools are intended to assist teachers in problem-solving a plan to support young children who are having challenging behavior. The User's Manual will explain how to use the tools and all of the technical information you will need to access the hyperlinked visual supports and materials. Also included within the Teaching Tools is the Routine Based Support Guide. The Guide is a document that accompanies all of the tools and is organized in routines and activities that typically occur in early childhood programs. It will assist teachers in support plan development. Website
Team Lydia Rose The Desired Results access Project recently published a new video on supporting inclusion beginning as early as possible. The video can be viewed online or downloaded at no cost for use in educational and professional development activities from the General Interest section of Desired Results' online Video Library Website
Team Nutrition Resource Library (English and Spanish) Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for food service, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity.  You will find many helpful resources in English and Spanish. Document
Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Building Routines that Support Success During this podcast, Priscilla Weigel talks with CICC team members, Beth Menninga and Brenda Lowe about building routines of support for adults who provide care to children in child care settings. How do we plan for each day? What does a shared task schedule look like and what does it need to include? Podcast
Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Communication with Families Families are an essential part of the child care community.  This podcast addresses the need for clear procedures for sharing information with families, for connecting with families and for creating a sense of belonging for not just the child but for the entire family in your child care setting. Podcast
Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Planning Ahead Priscilla Weigel is joined by colleagues Beth Menninga and Brenda Lowe to continue the conversation related to creating a supportive team.  The discussion centers around ways to plan for coordination and building a teamwork approach to care for young children. Podcast
Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Resolving Conflicts Conflict can happen when adults spend time together. What are the practices that you follow to support your teaching team when issues arise? This podcast addresses ways to create space for conversation in a respectful manner that helps clear the air so the team can function properly and positively. Podcast