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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sit Still, Don't Touch, Wait--Are We Setting Children Up for Success?

Sit Still, Don't Touch, Wait--Are We Setting Children Up for Success?

In this podcast, we will continue the last conversation by looking at 4-5 year olds. It is easy at times to see a child’s behavior outside of the context of their age and stage. When we look again at what we are hoping to teach children in a larger sense, we can begin to appreciate some of those challenging behaviors as their way at reaching important milestones.

(Length: 12:35)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Families--The Process of Grief and Loss of Dreams (Conclusion)

Families--The Process of Grief and Loss of Dreams (Conclusion)

In the final session in this series, Priscilla Weigel and Cindy Croft will offer insights into some of the responses that may come from a family when they are told there are red flags in their child’s development. As parents grapple with developmental information, they will need ongoing support and understanding from the early educator and program staff. We can be an important partner in a journey that is just beginning.

(Length: 14:02)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sharing Concerns with Families--Having the Conversation: Part Three

Sharing Concerns with Families--Having the Conversation: Part Three

In part 3 of our series on Sharing Concerns with Families, Priscilla Weigel and Cindy Croft discuss the sensitive topic of talking to a family about their child’s development. This is often one of the hardest jobs an early educator will undertake but it is critically important for the child for whom early intervention can make a world of difference. We will talk about ways to share developmental information and continue building the important relationship between parent and caregiver.

(Length: 12:05)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sharing Concerns with Families--Setting the Stage: Part Two

Sharing Concerns with Families--Setting the Stage: Part Two

Once we have gathered our information to share about a developmental concern, we need to set the stage for our conversation with the family. The ongoing partnership between the early educator, family, and child will rely on trust, confidentiality, and compassion. In this podcast, we will share some fundamental tips that will help us as we prepare to talk with the family, including when and how to hold the meeting.

(Length: 12:05)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sharing Concerns with Families--Observations and Recordings: Part One

Sharing Concerns with Families--Observations and Recordings: Part One

In this podcast, we will begin a series on the sensitive topic of how to share developmental concerns with families. The first steps in talking to families about a developmental red flag is to have objective, nonjudgmental observations and recordings that can give them an accurate developmental picture. This is foundational to a successful conversation and will help allay some of your anxiousness as you approach families with your concerns.

(Length: 11:23)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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When Concerns Arise--What are Red Flags for Developmental Concerns: Part Two

When Concerns Arise--What are Red Flags for Developmental Concerns: Part Two

In part two of this series on developmental concerns, we will define what a red flag means as we observe a child’s development. Is it one behavior or a cluster of behaviors? In addition, we will discuss the impact culture may have on developmental milestones as we consider red flags for developmental concerns. Our inclusion consultant, Priscilla Weigel, will share examples from her work with young children.

(Length: 11:34)