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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Inclusion--The Foundation of Our Practice: Part One [Kamidnoqoshada: Waa aasaaska shaqadeena (Qaybta koowaad)]

Inclusion--The Foundation of Our Practice: Part One [Kamidnoqoshada: Waa aasaaska shaqadeena (Qaybta koowaad)]

Waxaan si gaar ah ogabeeraan dagaynaa macluumaad ay soo saareen DEC iyo NAEYC oo ah ururo lashaqeeya caruurta.  Macluumaadkaasoo ah bayaankooda wadajirka iyo sida macluumaadkaas nooga caawinayo kobcinta kamidnoqoshoda goobta xanaanada iyo waxbarashada.  Sidoo kale, muhiimadda ay leedahay tageerada, kaqaybqaadashada iyo helitaanka fursadaha macluumaadkaan ayaa aas’aas u’ah baahida caruurta iyo shaqaalaha una ah xumin culus in lagu guulaysto kamidnoqoshada goobta wax barashada ubadka yar yar. 

(Length: 10:00)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sensory Processing from an Occupation Therapy Lens

Sensory Processing from an Occupation Therapy Lens

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what sensory processing can look like in a young child and how the child care environment can support sensory needs of young children.

(Length: 9:39 minutes)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sensory Processing--Evaluation Process

Sensory Processing--Evaluation Process

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what the evaluation process for sensory processing looks for a young child.

(Length: 10:38 minutes)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Weighted Objects and Deep Touch Input

Weighted Objects and Deep Touch Input

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about guidelines for using weighted objects and other sensory interventions with young children.

(Length: 9:33 minutes)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children?

How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children?

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what occupational therapy is and how an OT works with children around self care skills, sensory needs, and fine motor development. 

(Length: 9:28 minutes)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infants and Language Development

Infants and Language Development

Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel continue their conversation with CICC’s Beth Menninga. The focus of this podcast is on language development in our youngest learners. Beth shares about essential ways we all can support a healthy foundation of communication by cueing in to the very simplest interactions and body language of infants. Joint Attention, parallel talk and self-talk are discussed.