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Ilmaha uu haysto walaaca badan (Children Experiencing Stress) Sida dadka waaweyn, xoogaa culeys maskaxeed oo carruurta ah waa iska caadi—oo lagama maarmaan u ah badbaadada. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa macluumaad ku saabsan walwalka guud ee carruurta iyo istiraatiijiyado daryeel bixiyayaashu si ay uga caawiyaan yareynta culeyska iyo kor u qaadida dareenka wanaagsan ee carruurta oo dhan. Tipsheet
ILMAHA UU HAYSTO WALAACA BADAN (CHILDREN EXPERIENCING STRESS) Podcastigani wuxuu ku saabsan yahay ilmaha walaaca badan hayo, iyo  waxyaabaha kala duwan oo walaaca ku keena, iyo sidii daryeeluhu joogto ugu darsi lahaa xaaladooda isla markaana u raaci lahaa qaabab dejiya waxna ka badala  guud ahaan caafimaadkood.     Podcast
Imagine Magazine: Music Therapy for Early Childhood Imagine magazine is an annual online magazine sharing evidence-based information and trends related to early childhood music therapy through various media. Document
Immigration, Loss, & Trauma "Our country’s history is shaped by the immigrants’ stories. These stories can be difficult, inspiring, harrowing, exciting, or sometimes shameful. We carry with us our stories – and often our stories and their impact carry on into future generations." Here is an excellent article written by Lori A. Harris, LSW, MSW in partnership with Way to Grow and Mom Enough.
Immunization: Protection for All Fact and common questions regarding the safety of immunizations. Tipsheet
Implementing Policies to Reduce the Likelihood of Preschool Expulsion This policy brief examines factors associated with expulsion from Prekindergarten (PK). Recent research has explored issues regarding the rate at which preschoolers (children ages three to four) are expelled from PK programs, as well as some of the factors associated with expulsion and the effectiveness of mental health consultation to reduce the classroom behavior problems that may lead to expulsion. Although several factors that predict an increased likelihood of expulsion have been described, this brief addresses those factors that may inform changes in policy that can be both implemented and regulated. Website
In Brief: The Resilience Series Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children's healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate resilience, or an adaptive response to serious hardship. A better understanding of why some children do well despite early adversity is important because it can help us design policies and programs that help more children reach their full potential. These three videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops, and how to strengthen it in children. Website
In Brief: The Science of Resilience Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children's healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate resilience, or an adaptive response to serious hardship. A better understanding of why some children do well despite early adversity is important because it can help us design policies and programs that help more children reach their full potential. Website
In Quotes: Addressing Misconceptions About the Brains of Bilingual Babies From Alyssa Haywoode at Eye on Early Education: "During a recent BabyTalks webinar Beth Zack, PhD and Marley Jarvis, PhD shared research findings on infants’ and toddlers’ inherent capacity to learn multiple languages and identified strategies that educators and adults can use to support DLLs’ [dual language learners’] development. Through the course of the webinar, Zack and Jarvis also addressed several misconceptions about language learning in the first three years of life." Website
In the Rush to Improve Early Education, Don't Forget About Teachers Parents know that a child's early experiences greatly influence their success later in school and in life. While parents are young children's first and best teachers, they rely on early educators as partners in preparing their children for success. And when that partnership is strong, we have the building blocks for prosperous communities, states, and nations. As a result, states and communities across our country have started to raise the qualifications and credentials for early educators. An excellent article by Michelle Miller-Cox. Document