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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Tips to Keep Kids Warm All Winter "Whether winter brings severe storms, light dustings or just cold temperatures, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some valuable tips on how to keep your children safe and warm." Website
To Prevent Bullying, Focus on Early Childhood To prevent bullying before it starts, we need to focus on how bullying behaviors develop--for those engaging in bullying behaviors and those being targeted--starting in early childhood. Child Trends recently conducted a literature review and convened an expert roundtable, which NAEYC took part in, to document current understandings of the roots of bullying in early childhood. We identified key contextual factors linked to bullying behaviors, promising, and evidence-based programs that help address emerging behavior and the need for further research. Document
Toddlers and Biting: Finding the Right Response Trying your best to understand the underlying cause of the biting will help you develop an effective response. Children bite in order to cope with a challenge or fulfill a need. Document
Toddlers and Challenging Behavior: Why They Do It and How to Respond This ZERO TO THREE article explores the meaning behind challenging behaviors and how parents and caregivers can set age-appropriate limits for their toddlers. Document
Toddlers and Challenging Behavior: Why They Do It and How to Respond This ZERO TO THREE article explores the meaning behind challenging behaviors and how parents and caregivers can set age-appropriate limits for their toddlers.   Document
Toddlers and Preschool Children: Essentials for Working with Toddlers and Preschoolers This online resource from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides information to help family members and caregivers interact positively with children.  Website
Toddlers' screen time linked to slower speech development, study finds A recent study found that children who spent more time with hand-held screens were more likely to exhibit a delay in expressive speech. Document
Toddlers: Strategies for Supporting the Development of Communication Skills Specific strategies to support the development of communication skills in toddlers. Tipsheet
Todoba Xeeladood oo Lagu Dhiso Bay’ad Caruurta aqbashada Dhamaantoodna Soo Jiidata (Seven Inclusion Strategies) Xeeladaha xirfadeed ee daryeelka carruurta iyo waxbarashada si loo abuuro jawi ay carruurta oo dhami ku leeyihiin dareen lahaansho. Child care and education professional strategies to create an environment in which all children have a sense of belonging. Tipsheet
Toilet Training Children with Special Needs This resources highlights the signs of readiness and helpful information/strategies related to some specific special needs. Website