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Results: Page 17 of 209
Resource Name Description Resource Type
An Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion The purpose of this guide is to address some of the issues raised by the administrators of these inclusive settings. We discuss the barriers and roadblocks these administrators encountered as they set up inclusive programs and then worked to keep them going successfully. We present practical strategies that emerged from our work, and we also draw upon the larger literature and work of others. In places, we introduce some of the people who, through their stories and experiences, illustrate how to make high quality early childhood inclusion a reality. Website
An Infographic Guide to Your Baby's First Year Developmental milestones for the first year. Website
An Inside Look at Trauma-Informed Practices A Nashville elementary school takes a comprehensive approach to trauma-informed practices, creating a space where students feel known and supported. Website
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. The Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. website offers information for families including local and regional contacts. This comprehensive site offers information, membership opportunities, newsletter, literature, scientific information, research opportunities, and events. The site offers some information translated in Spanish and Hebrew. Website
Angry Kids: Dealing with Explosive Behavior When a child—even a small child—melts down and becomes aggressive, he can pose a serious risk to himself and others, including parents and siblings.  Document
Angry Kids: Dealing With Explosive Behavior Website
Animal School Video Inspires Individuality & Acceptance This Inspirational Powerpoint Presentation on Inclusion and Special Needs is a must watch for all. Website
Annotated Bibliography of Children’s Books about Gender Diversity Here is an annotated bibliography of children’s books about gender diversity created by genderspectrum.org Document
Annotated Collection of Free Early Childhood Resources on Culture, Diversity, and Equity An August 2017 annotated collection of free early childhood evidence, print, audiovisual, and online sources has just been posted. The collection features several resources on bias and checklists to support the application of anti-bias and culturally responsive principles in settings serving young children and families. Document
Ansiedad en niños (Anxiety in Children) La ansiedad y la ansiedad son emociones comunes que todo el mundo siente en un momento u otro. Esta hoja de consejos explora los desencadenantes comunes de la ansiedad, cuándo preocuparse y cuándo buscar ayuda. Anxiousness and anxiety are common emotions that everyone feels at one time or another. This tip sheet explores common triggers of anxiety, when to be concerned and when to seek help. Tipsheet