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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Emergency Preparedness: Is Your Child Care Program Prepared? 10 Questions You Should Ask Ensuring the safety of children in care settings is the most important job of early childhood professionals. This resource, which is available in English and Spanish, can be a helpful tool for families to use as they evaluate and/or communicate with their child's program about emergency preparedness. Early childhood programs may also find that the publication is a good starting point for self-evaluation of their emergency plans and processes. Document
Environmental Support This in-service suite offers strategies for using environmental support. These strategies help to increase the participation of children who need more support or challenge. Explore examples that illustrate what the strategies look like in the classroom. Website
Epilepsy Foundation The Epilepsy Foundation website hosts a national organization that works for people affected by seizures by providing access to research, educational information, advocacy, and many services. There is an inter-site search engine along with selected links, chat rooms, expert panels and lots of news and publications. Grant and fellowship information is available as well as links to local epilepsy resources. Website
Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota website provides education, information and referral, advocacy and community involvement. This website offers newsletters, calendar of events, frequently asked questions regarding epilepsy and additional resources for individuals affected by seizure disorders. Website
Epinephrine for First-aid Management of Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a severe, generalized allergic or hypersensitivity reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. Epinephrine (adrenaline) can be life-saving when administered as rapidly as possible once anaphylaxis is recognized. This clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics is an update of the 2007 clinical report on this topic. It provides information to help clinicians identify patients at risk of anaphylaxis and new information about epinephrine and epinephrine autoinjectors (EAs). Document
ERIC: Education Resources Information Center The ERIC Document Reproduction Service is the document delivery component of the Educational Resources Information Center. The ERIC database contains over 1,000,000 citations. They include teaching guides, research reports, bibliographies, issues papers, instructional materials, and test and evaluation instruments. The articles can be searched on-line and can be ordered via toll-number, fax, mail, or online. Website
Essential Elements of Infant and Toddler Environments: Health and Safety CICC Coach Lead, Jacy Nylander joins Priscilla Weigel to discuss a key topic for our youngest learners, health and safety.  Listen to their conversation about ways you can create an environment that is safe, calm, clean, and fresh. Podcast
Estrategias de autocuidado para proveedores de cuidado infantil: Parte 1 (Self-Care Strategies for Child Care Providers: Part 1) Comprender la importancia de las conexiones humanas, el compromiso social y los sentimientos de seguridad es el núcleo del trabajo de cuidado infantil basado en relaciones. En esta hoja de consejos destacaremos los síntomas del agotamiento y el trauma secundario y discutiremos el estrés y la teoría polivagal.Understanding the importance of human connections, social engagement, and feelings of safety is at the heart of relationship-based child care work. This tip sheet we will highlight the symptoms of burnout and secondary trauma and discuss stress and the Polyvagal Theory. Tipsheet
Estrategias de autocuidado para proveedores de cuidado infantil: Parte 2 (Self-Care Strategies for Child Care Providers: Part 2) En la segunda parte de esta serie, analizamos formas de aumentar el autocuidado cultivando la conciencia, desarrollando estrategias para controlar el estrés, la importancia del compromiso social y los beneficios del autocuidado y el manejo del estrés.In part two of two of this series, we look at ways to increase self-care by cultivating awareness, developing strategies to manage stress, the importance of social engagement, and the benefits of self-care and stress management. Tipsheet
Evaluating, Developing, and Enhancing Domain-Specific Measures of Child Care Quality Measures of quality are now in widespread use across states as part of quality improvement initiatives. For example, many states are currently using global measures of quality that were first developed for research and practice purposes (such as the Environmental Rating Scales) in their Quality Rating Systems (QRSs). Document