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Results: Page 26 of 31
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Technology and Young Children: Infants and Toddlers During the earliest years, infants and toddlers interact primarily with people. Their interactions with toys are usually in the context of human interaction as well. They need to freely explore, manipulate, and test everything in the environment. Increasingly in today’s world, this includes the exploration of technology tools and interactive media. Children of this age are drawn to push-button switches and controls. Technology tools that infants and toddlers might use must be safe, sturdy, and not easily damaged. If technology is used, it must be in the context of conversation and interactions with an adult. This resource was created by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Website
Technology- Saamaynta tignoolajiyada, warbaahinta bulshada (caafimaadka maskaxda) iyo sida loogu isticmaalo ujeedada. What is Technology? (Waa maxay Tignoolajiyadu/Farsamada?) Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology for Children? (Faa'iidooyinka iyo khasaarooyinka farsamada ee carruurta?)  Screen Time management (Maaraynta Waqtiga Shaashada) Social media and mental health in youth. (Warbaahinta bulshada iyo caafimaadka maskaxda ee dhalinyarada)  Podcast
Tell Me a Story Series Tell Me a Story will help build parent and staff capacity to use books and stories to help young children learn. Books can be used to explore important topics such as managing strong emotions, dealing with feelings of grief, or working on social skills. Website
The Basics of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health This resource introduces infant and early childhood mental health, discusses why it is important, and provides policy recommendations.  Document
The Brain Architects: Building Resilience Through Play "Far from frivolous, play contributes to sturdy brain architecture, the foundations of lifelong health, and the building blocks of resilience, yet its importance is often overlooked. In this podcast [from Harvard University - Center on the Developing Child], Dr. Jack Shonkoff explains the role of play in supporting resilience and five experts share their ideas and personal stories about applying the science of play in homes, communities, and crisis environments around the world." Website
The Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) The Center of Excellence for IECMHC helps communities support the success of the next generation by increasing access to evidence-based IECMHC. Website
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. CSEFEL is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. Website
The Difference between Typical Anxiety and an Anxiety Problem All children feel anxious from time to time. Children with learning and attention issues are more likely to struggle with anxiety. How can you tell whether a child’s anxiety is typical and appropriate or something to be worried about? Document
The Impact of Stress on Young Children Part 1 Join host Priscilla Weigel as she talks with guest Dr. Molly Harney about the impact of stress on young children.  In part one of this two-part conversation they discuss the three types of stress and some of the signs we may notice when children are in distress due to toxic levels of stress in their lives.  Podcast
The Impact of Stress on Young Children Part 2  In part two of the conversation with our guest Dr. Molly Harney we discuss ways that we as caregivers can provide a buffer for young children experiencing stress levels higher than what is healthy for them.  Listen as Dr. Harney helps us understand tools and ways to nurture and support to build resilience. Podcast