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Results: Page 18 of 37
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Five Ways to Cultivate Friendships Supporting development of friendships. Document
FlagHouse Sensory Channel: Circle Time Tricks & Tips Hosted by Special Needs experts, The FlagHouse Sensory Channel is "your source for quick sensory related tips and helpful activity ideas to use in your classroom, at your clinic and at home." Website
For Families: 7 Tips for Raising Caring Kids According to the Making Caring Common Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, “Research in human development clearly shows that the seeds of empathy, caring, and compassion are present from early in life, but that to become caring, ethical people, children need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full development.”  Document
For Parents--Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel use this podcast to help equip parents searching for child care options when they have a child with unique needs. They discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act and supports related to that law as well as ways that parents can begin the relationship with a potential child care provider using open ended questions to gather the necessary information to set their child up for success. Podcast
Fostering Inclusive Play for All Preschoolers "Everybody plays, but play does not look the same for every body. In this Front Porch webinar, learn how play varies across individuals, families, cultures, and communities. The webinar talks about the importance of moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to play. Discover ways to make play accessible, culturally relevant, and meaningful to all preschool children."This is a webinar was held on September 7, 2023 by the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) Website
Four Key Principles of Developmentally Appropriate Inclusive Care Using developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) helps caregivers promote optimal learning and development for young children. This tip sheet highlights the four key principals for ensuring successful, developmentally appropriate inclusive care. Tipsheet
Fragile X Research Foundation FRAXA's mission is to accelerate progress toward effective treatments and ultimately a cure for Fragile X, by directly funding the most promising research. FRAXA also supports families affected by Fragile X and raises awareness of this important but virtually unknown disease. FRAXA was founded in 1994 by three parents of children with Fragile X to support scientific research aimed at finding a treatment and a cure for Fragile X. Fragile X research is drastically underfunded, considering its high prevalence, prospects for a cure, and the promise that this research holds for advancing understanding of other disorders like autism, Alzheimer's disease, and X-linked special needs. FRAXA funds grants and fellowships at universities all over the world. We have funded more than $15 million dollars in top-notch science. FRAXA's management expenses have always been just 3% or less of income, as we have just one full-time staff, three part time staff, and hundreds of volunteer parents. Since FRAXA was founded, the Fragile X field has grown tremendously, due in large part to our grass-roots efforts. Website
FraserCast Looking for a new podcast? "FraserCast is a podcast discussing all things autism, mental health, and special needs featuring Fraser experts and families. Hosted by Dave Fettig, senior editor and writer at the University of Chicago, former vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and award-winning journalist." Website
Free Materials About Hearing Loss in Children You can view, download, and print the FREE materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Website
Fududeynta Fahamka Caafimaadka Madaxa (Demystifying Mental Health) Dhacdadan (af Soomaaliga ah) Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach kaa ah, iyo martida gaarka ah Marian Hassan waxay ka wada hadlayaan muhiimadda fahamka Caafimaadka Maskaxda iyo baahida loo qabo isgaarsiinta iyo macluumaadka wadaagga mowduucan muhiimka ah.  Waxay sidoo kale sharraxaan sida Caafimaadka Maskaxda u saameeyo dhinac kasta oo nolosheena ah - shucuur, cilmi nafsi, iyo wanaag bulsho; sida aan dareemeyno, u fikirno, u dhaqanno, una xiriirno kuwa kale. In this episode (in Somali) Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of understanding Mental Health and the need for communication and information sharing around this important topic.  They also explain how Mental Health affects every aspect of our lives- emotional, psychological, and social well-being; how we feel, think, behave, and relate to others. Podcast