
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 93 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Identifying Interest-Based Everyday Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers | This Center on Everyday Language Learning Tool includes a set of exercises a parent or practitioner can use to hone their skills for recognizing and identifying children's interests and identifying the everyday activities that provide young children opportunities to participate in interest-based activities and learn communication and language skills. There are three exercises: one for an infant, one for a toddler, and one for a preschooler. | Document |
Identifying the Underlying Factors Behind Challenging Behaviors | Audio Coming SOON!Examine the underlying causes of challenging behavior and identify the needs a child is expressing through those behaviors. Determine effective strategies to address the needs being communicated and reflect on the difficulties that may arise in addressing them. Discuss how reflection and consultation contribute to effectively meeting children's needs. This is an online self-study course.Knowledge and Competency Framework Area -II.C: Promoting Social and Emotional Development (10 Hours)CDA Content Area - Content Area III: Positive ways to support children’ social and emotional development (10 Hours)Level 2 – ImplementsNew Navigation Tools:This self-study does not have audio available at this time.For optimal performance, please access this course from a computer or tablet.Click on the black box with 2 white arrows to view the self-study in Full-Screen Mode.Click on the black box with white eyeglasses to view the self-study in Accessibility Mode.For ten clock hours on your Learning Record, please register and pay online at Develop. Then, complete a 500 word reflection paper and submit this document with your reflection. Please note: You have access to this document as view only. To enable editing, download the document. Click "file" then "download as" in the upper left-hand corner of this screen. This will give you the option to open the document as a Word doc on your own computer. Then, you can complete the information and email it to: *Disregard any directions regarding a final quiz. The only learning assessment needed is the reflection paper. | Course |
If You Find A Leaf | Fall is a great time to take a book outside to share with the children in your care! If the weather where you are doesn’t permit, you could share this read-aloud with them instead! Check out this YouTube Video: If You Find A Leaf by Aimée Sicuro and read by Melanie J. Hargreaves. | Website |
IL Core Services | The MACIL web-site has several resources related to people with disabilities living independently. Peer counseling, living skills training, info and referrals, advocacy, and will tailor services to the needs of their consumers. Government links and info, legislative alerts, web searches available. The intrasite search toll covers extensive topic list. | Website |
Ilmaha uu haysto walaaca badan (Children Experiencing Stress) | Sida dadka waaweyn, xoogaa culeys maskaxeed oo carruurta ah waa iska caadi—oo lagama maarmaan u ah badbaadada. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa macluumaad ku saabsan walwalka guud ee carruurta iyo istiraatiijiyado daryeel bixiyayaashu si ay uga caawiyaan yareynta culeyska iyo kor u qaadida dareenka wanaagsan ee carruurta oo dhan. | Tipsheet |
ILMAHA UU HAYSTO WALAACA BADAN (CHILDREN EXPERIENCING STRESS) | Podcastigani wuxuu ku saabsan yahay ilmaha walaaca badan hayo, iyo waxyaabaha kala duwan oo walaaca ku keena, iyo sidii daryeeluhu joogto ugu darsi lahaa xaaladooda isla markaana u raaci lahaa qaabab dejiya waxna ka badala guud ahaan caafimaadkood. | Podcast |
Imagine Magazine: Music Therapy for Early Childhood | Imagine magazine is an annual online magazine sharing evidence-based information and trends related to early childhood music therapy through various media. | Document |
Immigration, Loss, & Trauma | "Our country’s history is shaped by the immigrants’ stories. These stories can be difficult, inspiring, harrowing, exciting, or sometimes shameful. We carry with us our stories – and often our stories and their impact carry on into future generations." Here is an excellent article written by Lori A. Harris, LSW, MSW in partnership with Way to Grow and Mom Enough. | |
Immunization: Protection for All | Fact and common questions regarding the safety of immunizations. | Tipsheet |
Implementing Policies to Reduce the Likelihood of Preschool Expulsion | This policy brief examines factors associated with expulsion from Prekindergarten (PK). Recent research has explored issues regarding the rate at which preschoolers (children ages three to four) are expelled from PK programs, as well as some of the factors associated with expulsion and the effectiveness of mental health consultation to reduce the classroom behavior problems that may lead to expulsion. Although several factors that predict an increased likelihood of expulsion have been described, this brief addresses those factors that may inform changes in policy that can be both implemented and regulated. | Website |
Results: Page 93 of 212