
I Need Help Bracelets

Short Description

The bracelets are a constant visual aid that say I need help.® on one side and on the other side they have universal icons for the bracelet wearer to be independent (in control of their own behavior) by pointing to and expressing their 7 Feelings, 13 Needs, 19 School Schedules or asking for help. Communication bracelets are used by special education students, medical patients, group and nursing home clients, deaf citizen, people who travel and anyone who needs help in communicating. The bracelets are a constant visual aid for people to check their feelings, needs, schedules and ask for help. They come in youth and adult sizes. All bracelets: say I need help.® on one side Feeling Bracelet Needs Bracelet School Schedule Bracelet History: The Feeling bracelets were originally started in an Autism Program in Minnesota in 2004. The bracelets quickly expanded to several programs across America. By September 2007 the Needs and School Schedule bracelet were added. Not only are school districts purchasing the bracelets, but also OT/Speech and Language clinics, nursing homes, assistive technology companies, Women of Today organizations, independent companies, and people who travel. The bracelets have been featured in Womensinc Magazine and the website: AUTISMINFO.COM. Complete information regarding the I need help.® Bracelets can be found on the bracelet website: www.luvnhugsbooks.com See the heartwarming history of the bracelet story; it?s worth the read.