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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Emergency Preparedness Tip Sheets Use these tip sheets with Head Start and Early Head Start families and staff affected by a crisis or tragic event. Learn to focus on children's responses to these events, as well as ways to help them cope. Website
Emergency Preparedness: Is Your Child Care Program Prepared? 10 Questions You Should Ask Ensuring the safety of children in care settings is the most important job of early childhood professionals. This resource, which is available in English and Spanish, can be a helpful tool for families to use as they evaluate and/or communicate with their child's program about emergency preparedness. Early childhood programs may also find that the publication is a good starting point for self-evaluation of their emergency plans and processes. Document
Emotional Literacy: Using Feeling Faces "The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling posters can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary." -National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) Document
Emotional Sensitivity Emotional sensitivity is the ease or difficulty with which a child responds emotionally to situations. Some children are very sensitive to what is going around them while others seem oblivious to the feelings or mood of peers. How can we help children learn empathetic skills and also learn about their own feelings and how to express themselves to others? This podcast will look at children’s sensitivity levels and how we as professionals can guide them in their relationships with others. Podcast
Empowering Generational Greatness (EGG) Toolkit from The Family Partnership Our guest Trinette Potts from The Family Partnership joins us to share a wonderful toolkit for early educators to support executive function and regulation in young children.  This simple-to-use toolkit can support school readiness, buffer children against the harmful effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and improves lifelong outcomes in physical, mental, and behavioral health that continue to the next generation.Interested in learning more? Please contact:www.eggtoolkit.comTrinette Potts EGG Project Podcast
Enabling Devices The Enabling Devices website has exceptional products for exceptional people: toys for special children. The company is dedicated to developing and providing affordable learning and assistive devices to help people with disabilities. You can shop online as well as register for email updates of new products from Enabling Devices. The site also offers custom products. Website
Enchanted Learning Enchanted Learning contains over 20,000 web pages in the areas of the alphabet, books to print, geography, math, animals, calendars graphic organizers, picture dictionaries, art, crafts, and K-3 Theme Pages. Website
Encontrar cuidado infantil cuando mi hijo está enfermo Si su hijo asiste al cuidado infantil o a la escuela, puede haber ocasiones en las que no pueda asistir debido a una enfermedad leve. Pensar en sus opciones de cuidado de un niño enfermo con antelación puede ayudarle a evitar el estrés de buscar cuidado de repuesto a último minuto. Document
Encourage Healthy Eating Habits From "Healthy eating is essential to a child's well-being. Children who are overweight are at risk for chronic health problems. The Weight Control Network(WIN), a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), offers guidance to parents and caregivers on how to encourage healthy eating habits in children."   Document
Encouragement and Effective Praise: Part One In the first part of a two-part series on praise and effective encouragement for young children, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will examine why it is important to use words that encourage a sense of accomplishment and competence in children. Why do we praise children? What makes for effective interchanges? Please listen for tips and tools for talking with your children. Podcast