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Results: Page 20 of 210
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Assure the Best for Your Baby's Physical Development As a parent, you know your child best. It is important for you to learn what early milestones are expected while your baby is growing. Inside this brochure, a unique chart allows you to track your child's physical development. It begins at 3 months of age and continues to 15 months. Periodically review the information on the chart, and place a check mark next to the signs you see in your baby. Document
Assuring the Family's Role on the Early Intervention Team This paper is a synthesis of practices and ideas for explaining procedural safeguards to families, which assure that families are fully informed in ways that support their role in the early intervention process. The authors solicited information about practices and ideas for explaining procedural safeguards to families from early childhood projects funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education and from the state lead agencies for Part C. The paper includes a step-by-step model of explaining procedural safeguards that parallels the early intervention process. The authors intend to explore the implications of procedural safeguards for families, but not to analyze the Part C safeguards themselves. The paper has been developed for state Part C leaders, service providers, families, family advocates, and especially for those people who are involved in explaining procedural safeguards to families. Document
Asthma Information of the definition, symptoms and treatment of asthma in young children. Tipsheet
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) website provides information and support for people with respiratory needs. The AAFA foundation offers grant opportunities, research publications, education programs, family support, public awareness, and public advocacy. A newsletter and training resource materials are available through the website. Website
Asthma Emergency Care Plan Sample This template provides a sample of an asthma Emergency plan for a child in your program Document
Asthma Topic Sheet Asthma Topic Sheet Document
At-Home Activity Guide "Play promotes healthy development, even when you're stuck at home." Here is a guide from Zero to Three. Website
Attachment and Child Care Relationships In Part 2 of our series on attachment, Beth Menninga and Dr. Mary Harrison discuss how early childhood educators can promote strong relationships between caregivers and very young children through responsive, consistent caregiving.  Podcast
Attachment and Exploration Part 3 of our series on attachment continues the conversation about responsive caregiving practices, with a focus on the importance of providing a secure base for infants and toddlers as they begin to explore the world. Podcast
Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs Strategies to promote responsive relationships with- and provide quality care for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet