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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Children's Theatre Company--Using Storytelling to Enhance Development: Part Two

Children's Theatre Company--Using Storytelling to Enhance Development: Part Two

In part two of our podcast on storytelling, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel welcome Maria Asp and Laura Mann Hill. They share information about the Early Bridges program and the research they have done with the Center for Early Education and Development at the University of Minnesota to track the growth of literacy skills, social emotional skills, language usage, and play. Their enthusiasm for helping children learn to tell their own stories will fill you with joy!

(Length: 13:40)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Children's Theatre Company--Using Storytelling to Enhance Development: Part One

Children's Theatre Company--Using Storytelling to Enhance Development: Part One

Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel welcome special guests from the Children's Theatre, Maria Asp, Neighborhood Bridging Director and Laura Mann Hill, Early Bridges Manager. In Part 1 of the three part series they share about their Early Bridges program It is an early childhood literacy program that uses storytelling and creative drama to promote language development and school readiness skills. Children may start with small steps in telling their own stories but with support, they become amazing storytellers!

(Length: 13:57)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Help Me Grow Part 2-- When I make a referral, what happens next?

Help Me Grow Part 2-- When I make a referral, what happens next?

Join Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel as they continue their discussion with Jayne Cox-Lindsey, Early Childhood Referral In-Take Specialist. Jayne shares with our listeners the next steps that occur once a child enters the Help Me Grow referral process. An example of a referral success story is shared by Jayne which points out the collaborative process that create success for a child and a family.

(Length: 13:29)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Help Me Grow Part 1-- What is it and when should I refer a child?

Help Me Grow Part 1-- What is it and when should I refer a child?

Join Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel as they talk with special guest Jayne Cox-Lindsey, Early Childhood Referral In-Take Specialist. Jayne shares information of the roll of Help Me Grow in our state, the referral process, who should be referred, and why child care providers are a critical piece of the early intervention process.

(Length: 15:45)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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When Concerns Arise--Answering the Common Questions Providers Have When They Have a Concern About a Child's Development

When Concerns Arise--Answering the Common Questions Providers Have When They Have a Concern About a Child's Development

Join our guest host, May Lee Yang as she shares in Hmong the answers to three of the most common questions asked when there is a concern about a child’s development. May will share the steps that are essential to create a positive conversation with families as well as tips for setting up the conversation using observation and documentation.

(Length: 20:57)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Markuu Soo Siyaado Walaac--Jawaab celis ku saabsan wixii su'aalo ah oo daryeeluhu ka qabo tuhun ama walaac ku saabsan koriimada ilmo uu hayo

Markuu Soo Siyaado Walaac--Jawaab celis ku saabsan wixii su'aalo ah oo daryeeluhu ka qabo tuhun ama walaac ku saabsan koriimada ilmo uu hayo

Kala soo qaybgala, Marian Hassan oo inoo marti gelin barnaaminkan iyadoo Afka Soomaaliga adeegsanaysa oo ka jawaab celin sadex su’aalood oo ah su'aalaha baddanaa la is waydiiyo marka uu soo siyaado walaac ku saabsan koriimadda ilmaha. Marian waxay nala wadaagi talaabooyinka ugu muhiimsan oo ay tahay in la qaado si loo sameeyo jawi wanaagsan oo waalidka lagula hadli karo oo suurto gelin kara wadda hadal fiyow iyo isfaham. Intaas oo ay dheer ahay talooyin ku salaysan adeegsiga ilmaha oo si joogto ah loo derso ama loo eego lana diiwaangeliyo dhowridaas si ay uga turjunto xaalada koriinka ilmaha iyo wixii isbedal ah oo jira oo waaridka lala wadaagi karo.

(Length: 12:33)