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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Release of Information

Release of Information

When developing policies around confidential information what type of documentation do you need to have in place to ensure that it is secure?  Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss key components of a Consent to Release Information Form that you should have in place.

(Length: 9:41)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss scenarios that come up in a child care setting related to confidential data.  What is appropriate for you to share?  The hosts examine the essential factors necessary to review when gathering and sharing private data. 

(Length: 10:00)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Questions from a Parent--Literacy and School Readiness

Questions from a Parent--Literacy and School Readiness

Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel field questions from the parent of a preschooler. They explain how everyday activities are developing pre-literacy skills helping to prepare children for kindergarten.

(Length: 10:17)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infant Toddler Language Development: Part Four [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 4]

Infant Toddler Language Development: Part Four [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 4]

Qaybta afaraad waxay inoo sharaxaysaa arimo laxiriira waalidka iyo saamayta ay kuleedahay korinnimada ubadka yar yar iyo waxbarashadooda.

(Length: 8:43)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Three [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 3]

Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Three [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 3]

Qeybta sadaxaad waxay kahadlaysaa sida ay muhiim utahay sida qofka caruurta wax baraya looga rabo in uu uqasdo waxabarashada uguna fiirsado habladhaqanka ubadka yar yar iyo kuwa socodka baradka sii uu ugu saleeyo waxbarashada korinimadooda.

(Length: 8:41)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Two [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 2]

Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Two [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 2]

Qeybta labaad waxay sharaxaysaa sida saddax arimood oo laxiriira korinnimada sida ay saameeyn ugu leeyihiin qorshaynta manhajka.

(Length: 8:32)