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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Music and Preschool Development

Music and Preschool Development

Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of preschoolers and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared. 

(Length: 19:48)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Music and Toddler Development

Music and Toddler Development

Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of toddlers and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared. 


(Length: 22:20)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Music and Infant Development

Music and Infant Development

Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of infants and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared. 

(Length: 21:23)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Music and Learning Connection

The Music and Learning Connection

Listen as podcast guests Dianna Babcock and Jane Tate of MacPhail Center for Music discuss the evidence that music does have a positive impact on a young child’s executive functioning skills.  Helpful tips for infusing music into your setting will also be shared.

(Length: 20:56)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Benefits of Music on Children's Development

Benefits of Music on Children's Development

Listen as Priscilla Weigel and her guest Dianna Babcock of MacPhail Center for Music chat about the way music can enhance learning.  They discuss the benefits music has on a young child’s overall development, specifically emotional regulation, working memory, and attention, which supports school readiness and overall executive functioning.

(Length: 14:09)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Attachment: Using Transitional Objects to Cope with Separation and Change

Attachment: Using Transitional Objects to Cope with Separation and Change

Part 5 of our series on attachment continues the conversation on helping children cope with separation, and explores the use of transitional objects as supports.

(Length: 11:17)