Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)


Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)

Podcastgani wuxuu ku saabsan ilmaha oo Af Soomaali lagula hadlo inuu saldhig u tahay barashada iyo xagsiga Afka Hooyo iyo waxyaabaha suurta geliya in ilmahu Soomaaligu ka dhumin.  Bureeqo Dahir iyo Marian Hassan oo ka hadlaya Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta(SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project).
This podcast is about the importance of oral language for bilingual children. It discusses how speaking to children in Somali, singing Lullabies, and reading to children gives children rich language experiences so they can learn and maintain their home language. Bureeqo Dahir and Marian Hassan discuss the SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Legacy Project in the podcast. 
(Length: 22:23)
Family, Inclusion