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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Empowering Generational Greatness (EGG) Toolkit from The Family Partnership

Empowering Generational Greatness (EGG) Toolkit from The Family Partnership

Our guest Trinette Potts from The Family Partnership joins us to share a wonderful toolkit for early educators to support executive function and regulation in young children.  This simple-to-use toolkit can support school readiness, buffer children against the harmful effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and improves lifelong outcomes in physical, mental, and behavioral health that continue to the next generation.

Interested in learning more? Please contact:

(Length: 25:12)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)

Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)

Podcastgani wuxuu ku saabsan ilmaha oo Af Soomaali lagula hadlo inuu saldhig u tahay barashada iyo xagsiga Afka Hooyo iyo waxyaabaha suurta geliya in ilmahu Soomaaligu ka dhumin.  Bureeqo Dahir iyo Marian Hassan oo ka hadlaya Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta(SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project).
This podcast is about the importance of oral language for bilingual children. It discusses how speaking to children in Somali, singing Lullabies, and reading to children gives children rich language experiences so they can learn and maintain their home language. Bureeqo Dahir and Marian Hassan discuss the SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Legacy Project in the podcast. 
(Length: 22:23)
Family, Inclusion
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Help Me Connect: New Updates

Help Me Connect: New Updates

Help Me Connect from the MN Department of Health is celebrating three years of serving families in Minnesota. Listen as we reconnect with Shawn Holmes, the Help Me Connect Coordinator, as she highlights some of the new and exciting updates to this helpful site, including a provider referral system. Enhancements include access to electronic developmental and social-emotional screenings, an online chat function, and exploration of a toll-free number for families and providers to access navigation support.

For more information:


(Length: 24:12)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care)

Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care)

Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, iyo marti-sharaf gaar ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlay doorka baruhu ku leeyahay daryeelka hore iyo goobaha waxbarashada.

In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the role of the educator in early care and education settings.



(Length: 20:41)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Muhiimadda Ciyaarta ee Goobaha Daryeelka Hore iyo Waxbarashada ee Soomaalida (The Importance of Play in Somali Early Care and Education Settings)

Muhiimadda Ciyaarta ee Goobaha Daryeelka Hore iyo Waxbarashada ee Soomaalida (The Importance of Play in Somali Early Care and Education Settings)

Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, Tababaraha CICC, iyo martida khaaska ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlaya muhiimadda ay ciyaartu u leedahay carruurta yaryar.

In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of play for young children.

(Length: 21:01)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Every Child Can Fly

Every Child Can Fly

Please Join Priscilla Weigel as she talks with Jani Kozlowski, Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Jani shares her story and what led her to write her book, Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion.
Additional Resources Related to this podcast:

New book coming out on June 1st: 


(Length: 28:24)