Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 4 of 22
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Breastfeeding and Child Care Programs | Child care providers who support and have breast feeding-friendly policies, provide babies in their care the best start they can in life. This tip sheet explains the benefits of breast feeding as well as provides breast milk storage guidelines. | Tipsheet |
Building HOPE Through Teamwork in Child Care Settings | The foundational principles outlined in the HOPE acronym can naturally encourage teamwork and collaboration to promote a positive and enriching environment to benefit children, families, and staff. For a more in-depth study on the HOPE method for teamwork, we recommend our course on the subject found here. | Tipsheet |
Bullying in Preschool | Being bullied means to be exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. It may also include an imbalance of power. And research indicates that a child with a disability is more likely to be physically or verbally bullied than his typically developing peers. This tip sheet includes signs of bullying behavior and strategies for extinguishing bullying. | Tipsheet |
Características del Juego (Characteristics of Play) | Si bien hay muchas definiciones para la palabra "jugar," el juego quizás se defina mejor al observar algunas características específicas del juego. Esta hoja de consejos explora las cinco características más acordadas del juego. While there are many definitions for the word "play," it is perhaps best defined by looking at some specific play features. This tip sheet explores the five most common characteristics of play. | Tipsheet |
Carruurta iyo walwalkooda (Anxiety in Children) | Walwal iyo walwal waa shucuur caam ah oo qof walba dareemo waqti ama waqti kale. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay sahmineysaa waxyaabaha kiciya welwelka, goorta laga walaacsan yahay iyo goorta caawimaad la raadsado. | Tipsheet |
Caruurta iyo Walbahaarka: Sida Caruurtu ay u Fal-Celiyaan (Trauma: How Children Respond) | Baro qeexidda dhibaatada iyo sidoo kale jawaabaha koritaanka ee carruurta yar yar ee khibradaha naxdinta leh. Learn the definition of trauma as well as the developmental responses of young children to traumatic experiences. | Tipsheet |
Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children with Special Needs: Transitions) | Jadwalka joogtada ah iyo filashooyinka cad waxay taageeraan guusha dhammaan carruurta iyo gaar ahaan carruurta leh barashada gaarka ah iyo baahiyaha bulshada. Kala-guurka la qorsheeyey oo qaabaysan ayaa noqon kara qayb waxtar u leh hawl maalmeedka guuleysta kaasoo siiya aasaas joogto ah dhammaan barashada kale ee dhici doonta maalinta oo dhan. | Tipsheet |
Challenging Behavior and the Role Adults Play | Young children may use challenging behavior to ask the adults around them for help expressing strong emotions and learning to get along with others. It is our job as caregivers to intentionally respond to these behaviors. In doing so, we take on many roles to support the growth and development of a child. | Tipsheet |
Child Development: What to Expect and When to Worry | If you routinely observe and record the development of all children in your program, you may sometimes find that a child has red flags in their developmental progress and it is time to talk to their parents about your concerns. | Tipsheet |
Children Experiencing Stress | Like adults, a certain amount of stress for children is normal—and necessary for survival. This tip sheet provides information on common stressors for children and strategies for caregivers to help decrease stress and promote a sense of well-being for all children. | Tipsheet |
Results: Page 4 of 22