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Xoojinta Xiriirka Aas aasiga ah ee Caruurta Lagu Hayyo Xanaanada iyo Barnaamiijta Waxbarashada (Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs) Sababtoo ah cilaaqaadyadu waa udub dhexaadka horumarka iyo barashada, daryeelka hore, iyo bixiyeyaasha waxbarashadu waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan nolosha carruurta ay la shaqeeyaan. Xaashidan tilmaanta ahi waxay daboolaysaa sida loo abuuro xiriirro tayo leh carruurta aad daryeesho. Because relationships are at the core of development and learning, early care, and education providers play a critical role in the lives of the children with whom they work. This tip sheet covers how to establish quality relationships with the children in your care. Tipsheet