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Resource Name Description Resource Type
12 Tipos de Juegos (12 Types of Play) Hay una variedad de tipos de juegos, y cada uno es importante para un crecimiento y desarrollo saludables. Esta hoja de consejos presenta los doce tipos de juegos clave. There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
12 Types of Play There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
Abuuritaanka Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican (Creating a Rich Play Environment) Mid ka mid ah doorka daryeel-yaqaan hore iyo aqoon-yahan waxbarasheed ayaa ah ka naqshadeeyaha deegaanka ay carruurtu ku ciyaaraan kuna bartaan Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa istaraatiijiyado iyo fikrado ku saabsan abuurista jawi ciyaaro hodan ku ah carruurta yaryar. Tipsheet
Active Supervision: Free Time Caregivers are responsible for keeping children safe. Active supervision requires constant vigilance, focused attention, and intentional observation of children at all times.  Tipsheet
Active Supervision: Outside Outdoor play is active therefore children will need more supervision than they do indoors. Keep children safe outside by following the strategies in this tip sheet.  Tipsheet
Afar Mabaadi' oo Muhiim ku ah Xanaanada Kuhaboon Da'da iyo Korinimada Caruurta Yar Yar oo Dhan (Four Key Principles of Developmentally Appropriate Inclusive Care) Mabaadi'da muhiimka ah ee lagama maarmaanka u ah bixinta daryeel ku habboon korriinka carruurta oo dhan. The key principles necessary to provide developmentally appropriate care for all children. Tipsheet
Alergias alimentarias (Food Allergies) Signos y síntomas de las alergias alimentarias más comunes en niños pequeños y estrategias para prevenir la exposición. Signs and symptoms of the most common food allergies in young children and strategies to prevent exposure. Tipsheet
Allergies: Latex Information on latex allergies, anaphylaxis, and reducing the risk of exposure to latex.  Tipsheet
Ansiedad en niños (Anxiety in Children) La ansiedad y la ansiedad son emociones comunes que todo el mundo siente en un momento u otro. Esta hoja de consejos explora los desencadenantes comunes de la ansiedad, cuándo preocuparse y cuándo buscar ayuda. Anxiousness and anxiety are common emotions that everyone feels at one time or another. This tip sheet explores common triggers of anxiety, when to be concerned and when to seek help. Tipsheet
Ansiedad por separación en bebés y niños pequeños (Separation Anxiety in infants and Toddlers) Consejos para educadores para ayudar a los niños pequeños que pueden experimentar ansiedad por separación durante la transición diaria del hogar al cuidado infantil.Tips for educators to help young children who may experience separation anxiety during the daily transition from home to child care. Tipsheet