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Resource Name Description Resource Type
The Children’s Poetry Archive Listen to the world's best poetry read out loud! You can search for poetry by age group, glossary terms, or themes! Website
The Development of Self-Regulation and its Impact on Behavior [Sida caruurta looga dhiso isxakamaynta iyo sida ay usaamayso dabeecadaha] Badanaa adadayga ay caruurtu muujiso waxay kamid tahay korinnimadooda. In caruurta labaro ereyada laxiriira waxa ay dareemayaan iyo iskaxamaynta waa muhiim sababta oo ah waxay baa bi’isaa dabeecadaha adag caruurtana waxay bartaa sida wanaagsan oo dadka loola dhaqmo. Podcast
The Emotional Environment [Dareenka ama Caadifadda Bay’adda Caruurta Laguhayyo] Maqaalkaan labaad wuxuu qaadaa dhigayaa dareenka iyo caadifadda jawiigga ilmaha lagu hayyo saamaynta ay ku leedahay dabeecadaha curuurta.  Qaabaynta iyo habeeynta bay’adda ilmahay lagu hayyo si ay caruurtu guul ugaaraan ayaa waxay tahay qodob muhiim ah oo tixgelin mudan. Podcast
The Genius of Play This website is a great source for play ideas that build on these skills, expert advice and the latest research on the value of play. Website
The Genius of Play Play is more than just fun and games—it helps children build a range of developmental skills that will serve them throughout their lives.  Website
The Impact of Stress on Young Children Part 1 Join host Priscilla Weigel as she talks with guest Dr. Molly Harney about the impact of stress on young children.  In part one of this two-part conversation they discuss the three types of stress and some of the signs we may notice when children are in distress due to toxic levels of stress in their lives.  Podcast
The Impact of Stress on Young Children Part 2  In part two of the conversation with our guest Dr. Molly Harney we discuss ways that we as caregivers can provide a buffer for young children experiencing stress levels higher than what is healthy for them.  Listen as Dr. Harney helps us understand tools and ways to nurture and support to build resilience. Podcast
The Importance of Health Screening for Young Children Inclusion Matters hosts a conversation with Faith Kidder, a Child Health Consultant from the Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) Team at the Minnesota Department of Health.  Faith leads us through a discussion about the importance of early screening for young children and the ways that Minnesota supports this process through many resources like Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT), a federal program to ensure the children who are eligible for Medical assistance receive appropriate timely preventive well child health care. Podcast
The Importance of Play in a Child’s Life Author and CICC Coach Sandy Heidemann joins us and she shares the ways play supports and enhances a child’s development of language, motor skills, cognitive skills, and social-emotional skills.  Podcast
The Importance of Responsive Feeding One of the major factors that contributes to healthy growth and development is the feeding of a child. This info module addresses the concept that how a child is fed is critical since the infant and toddler years are when food preferences and dietary patterns begin to develop.   Info Module