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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Involving Children in Child Care Emergency Preparedness "Just as it is important to partner with families for child care emergency preparedness, it is important to involve children as well. Even young children can learn about and help prepare for emergencies. Clear communication between adults and the children in their care is important to help children with emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Explanations and interactions should be developmentally appropriate, and adults should remain calm to help children remain calm." Here is a great resource from Child Care Aware of America. Document
Is homemade baby food healthier for infants? Babies who get homemade food may learn to like a wider variety of food types and be leaner than infants who eat store-bought products, a recent study suggests. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then advises mothers to keep nursing while starting to introduce solid foods. For the current study, researchers examined whether the source of food (homemade or commercial) influences variety, infant growth, and weight. They found babies who only ate homemade foods had more diverse diets earlier in life and lower body fat mass when they were 1 year and 3 years old. Website
I’m Mad, I’m Sad--Helping Children with an Emotional Vocabulary [Waan xanaaqsanahay, waan caraysnahay: Sida caruurta loo baro ereyada laxiriira waxa ay dareemayaan] Caruurta waxaa marar badan layiraahdaa “afka kahadla” si ay arintaa ugu guulaystaan waxy ubaahanyihiin in labaro ereyada dareenkooda laxiriira.  Macalimiintaan siyaabo badan ayeey caruurta ereyada ugu kobcin karaan ayagoo u aqrinaya buugta, tusaalayn siinaya iyo siyaabo kale oo kacaawin kara caruurta in ay kufiicnaadaan sida dadka looladhaqmo dabeecadaha adag nah ay kafogaadaan. Podcast
Joyful ABC Activity Booklets The National Museum of African American History and Culture created the Joyful ABC Activity Booklet series. This series invites caregivers and educators to support children’s positive identity development while also growing their language and literacy skills with activities, museum objects and new words based on characteristics featured in the book, A is for All the Things You Are: A Joyful ABC Book. Website
Keeping Children Safe In Vehicles A guide on safe car seat use for families and caregivers from the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. Document
Keeping Them Safe: Video Series In this video series from The Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC), explore the 10 health and safety training topics required by the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act. Narrated by pediatricians, these videos can help a busy early care and education workforce reinforce health and safety practices. Each video provides rationale on the importance of the topic for early childhood education settings, common issues related to that topic, and the importance of having plans, strategies, and procedures in place. With each video, find a set of reflective questions staff can use to improve their practices in these areas. Website
Kormeer Joogto ah: Xiliyada Firaaqada (Active Supervision: Free Time) Daryeel bixiyeyaasha ayaa mas'uul ka ah ilaalinta carruurta ammaan. Kormeerka firfircoon wuxuu u baahan yahay feejignaan joogto ah, feejignaan feejignaan leh, iyo ula kac ula kac ah carruurta waqti kasta. Tipsheet
La construcción del cerebro comienza al nacer Al nacer, el cerebro de un bebé tiene aproximadamente un tercio del tamaño del cerebro de un adulto. en 90 días, más que duplica su volumen, al 55 por ciento de su tamaño final. aprenda más datos fascinantes y ciencia sobre cómo los pequeños momentos cotidianos cuentan para ayudar a desarrollar el cerebro de un bebé. Little Moments Count es un movimiento estatal para ayudar a los padres y la comunidad a comprender la importancia de hablar, jugar, leer y cantar temprano y con frecuencia con los niños. Ellos son una colaboración de organizaciones que trabajan para ayudar a aumentar la interacción de los padres y la comunidad con los bebés y los niños.   Website
Land of Healthy Kids Land of Healthy Kids explains how you can protect kids from some of Minnesota's environmental hazards, exposures, or chronic conditions. Website
Language Development of Infants--What to Expect and When to be Concerned: Part One In the first part of our series on Infant and Toddler Development Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss critical milestones in an infant’s language development. Our hosts discuss common things to look for at the stages of 3 months through 1 year and highlight some concerns that would require further investigation. We will also talk about the ways child care providers and parents can encourage language development at this important age. Podcast