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Resource Name Description Resource Type
How to Adapt Math Card Games to Children’s Skill Level Here is a great resource from the Erikson Institute. "Card games provide meaningful practice of the basic number combinations. Becoming automatic with basic number combinations is the key to computational fluency. These common math card games that children learn in school or at home can be revisited many, many times and can be adapted to children’s own math skills as they develop over time." Website
How To Communicate With Non-verbal Children During Meal Time From Monica Pujol-Nassif at TeachStone: "Children who are nonverbal are always communicating with us. In fact, according to Dr. Mehrabian, 93% of our communication is nonverbal in nature. Yet, just because children who are nonverbal might not be speaking to us, educators can still have a reciprocal interaction.  Try focusing on their facial expressions, following their gaze, and looking at what they pointing to. Interpret their input, and check for confirmation. Facilitate technological devices and apps that speak for them, and make available visuals they can use to show us what they want, think, need, fear, or are interested in. Lunchtime might post a more challenging time to incorporate these ideas. Here are some additional ways to support nonverbal communication during mealtimes." Website
How to Help Kids Who Are Picky Eaters Picky eating is one of the most common complaints among parents.  Document
How to Implement Trauma-informed Care to Build Resilience to Childhood Trauma This research brief from Child Trends summarizes current practices for implementing trauma-informed care to support children who have been exposed to trauma. The authors outline the ways in which a broad range of programs (including after school programs, schools, early care and education providers, medical providers, and social services) can incorporate trauma-informed care into their services and help children build resilience against past and future traumatic experiences. Website
How to Talk about Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Zero to Three, developed an infographic on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH), that can help professionals talk about social and emotional development. Document
How Toddlers Learn Self-Control from 12 to 24 Months Developing self-control begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. Learn what you can do to help your toddler develop and practice self-control.'" Learn more in this article from Zero to Three. Website
How-to: 5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and Return Did you know that you can help build a child’s brain – starting even before babies can talk? Simple serve and return interactions between adults and young children help make strong connections in developing brains. And, it’s easy and fun to do! This how-to video, from the Center of the Developing Child at Harvard University, breaks down serve and return into 5 simple steps.  Website
I is for Independent Play "Independent play offers big benefits to little ones. But how to do it? Here are some strategies from Rebecca Parlakian from Zero to Three to try." Website
Identifying Interest-Based Everyday Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers This Center on Everyday Language Learning Tool includes a set of exercises a parent or practitioner can use to hone their skills for recognizing and identifying children's interests and identifying the everyday activities that provide young children opportunities to participate in interest-based activities and learn communication and language skills. There are three exercises: one for an infant, one for a toddler, and one for a preschooler. Document
Ilmaha uu haysto walaaca badan (Children Experiencing Stress) Sida dadka waaweyn, xoogaa culeys maskaxeed oo carruurta ah waa iska caadi—oo lagama maarmaan u ah badbaadada. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa macluumaad ku saabsan walwalka guud ee carruurta iyo istiraatiijiyado daryeel bixiyayaashu si ay uga caawiyaan yareynta culeyska iyo kor u qaadida dareenka wanaagsan ee carruurta oo dhan. Tipsheet