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Results: Page 26 of 75
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Does My Child Have Physical Developmental Delays? Use this tool to learn more about physical developmental delays for children ages 5 and under. The information is meant to help you start a conversation with your child’s pediatrician. Website
Does My Child Have Physical Developmental Delays? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) designed this tool to serve as a guide in determining concerns. Website
Does Noise Effect Learning? A short review on noise effects on cognitive performance in children. Document
Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care) Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, iyo marti-sharaf gaar ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlay doorka baruhu ku leeyahay daryeelka hore iyo goobaha waxbarashada.In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the role of the educator in early care and education settings.   Podcast
Dual Language Learners Toolkit This toolkit provides resources that can be used to support young children who are learning their home languages and English. It is divided into three sections: administrators and managers; teachers, caregivers, and family services staff; and families. First, watch the video and then select from the links below to start exploring the available materials. Website
Dual Language Learners: Primed and Ready to Learn This May 2017 fact sheet highlights the science of how infants who are exposed to more than one language manage to learn each language successfully. Document
Dynamic Movement Products, Inc. Our dance, exercise, movement and physical therapy equipment is made from the highest quality stretch band fabrics to promote physical strength and flexibility, body responsiveness, creativity, group cooperation and team building. After playing and moving in our products you will feel more energized, alert yet calm, and deeply satisfied! Website
Early Care and Education Portal - CDC As an early care and education provider (such as a childcare provider, Head Start teacher, early intervention provider, home visitor, or other educator of young children), you are on the frontlines of public health. Thank you for the important work you do each day. You are a valuable partner in promoting and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our nation’s children and families. To help you in your important role, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers many resources—from free training courses to educational materials you can share with families. This online portal is your access point to the latest early childhood resources from the CDC. Website
Early Childcare Provider's Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors Autism Speaks has published this toolkit to assist early childcare providers to improve their management of challenging behaviors in the classroom. Although the focus is on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the intervention strategies and positive behavioral methods described in the toolkit can be used for any child struggling with attention deficits, intellectual disability, anxiety and delayed social skills. Document
Early Childhood Center The Early Childhood Center of Indiana University Bloomington works to enhance the quality of care and education for all young children (birth through five years), including children with disabilities. Center activities encompass research, training, leadership, and collaboration with families, communities, and early care and education services that touch the lives of young children. Research information, resource books, training, and videos are available through this site. Website