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Resource Name Description Resource Type
American Foundation for the Blind The American Foundation for the Blind website offers comprehensive information related to blindness and visual impairment. This site includes resources, fact sheets, reports, newsletters and press releases, the journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Talking Books, instruction materials, calendar of events, scholarship info, and much more! Website
American Heart Association - Northland Affiliate The American Heart Association website provides access to programs and events in the Northland related to heart healthy lifestyles. The website includes information on public advocacy, programs, and cardiovascular research. Website
American Liver Foundation The American Liver Foundation is a non-profit agency dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing hepatitis and all liver diseases through research, education, and support groups. Website
American Lung Association of Minnesota The American Lung Association of Minnesota web site is a very comprehensive network of advocacy, information, organizations, events, and research. Indoor air, outdoor air, asthma, smoking, flu/pneumonia, and lung disease are all given their own info and discussion forums. An educator's section, a monthly newsletter, direct e-mail to members of congress, and regional camp and advocacy networks are also available. Website
American Occupational Therapy Association Consumers Occupational therapy focuses on enabling people to do the activities of daily life. The very word "occupation" means an activity which "occupies" our time. A child in grade school has the occupation of learning. An adult may need to learn how to write after a traumatic injury. A senior may want to continue driving safely in order to stay active in their community. All of these things are occupations and participating in them is vital to maintaining overall health and wellness. Website
American Society for Deaf Children The American Society for Deaf Children website is dedicated to empowering parents and professionals to support children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Provides representation, convention schedules, a "parents connected" network, support organizations, resources and links. Membership information also available. A cyber mentor program is available to support teachers of individuals with hearing impairments. Website
American Speech-Language Hearing Association The American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) promotes the interests of and provides the services for professionals in audiology, speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science. They also advocate for people with communication disabilities in addition to providing brochures, booklets, and packets of information on hearing loss and speech language concerns. Website
An Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion The purpose of this guide is to address some of the issues raised by the administrators of these inclusive settings. We discuss the barriers and roadblocks these administrators encountered as they set up inclusive programs and then worked to keep them going successfully. We present practical strategies that emerged from our work, and we also draw upon the larger literature and work of others. In places, we introduce some of the people who, through their stories and experiences, illustrate how to make high quality early childhood inclusion a reality. Website
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. The Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. website offers information for families including local and regional contacts. This comprehensive site offers information, membership opportunities, newsletter, literature, scientific information, research opportunities, and events. The site offers some information translated in Spanish and Hebrew. Website
Apoyo a las necesidades sensoriales de los niños bajo su cuidado (Supporting Sensory Needs Of Young Children In Your Care) ¡Nuevo Autoestudio!Este autoestudio en línea analiza el trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD por sus siglas en inglés) y examina cómo y por qué el SPD puede afectar el comportamiento de un individuo. Identifique los comportamientos y las respuestas del sistema sensorial que pueden resultar del SPD. Implemente estrategias para apoyar a los niños con SPD proporcionando una variedad de oportunidades para diferentes experiencias sensoriales. Áreas del Marco de Conocimientos y Competencias -I: Desarrollo y aprendizaje infantil (4 horas)II.A: Crear experiencias de aprendizaje positivas (4 horas) II.C: Promover el desarrollo social y emocional (2 horas)Áreas de contenido de CDA -II. Pasos para avanzar en el desarrollo físico e intelectual de los niños (4 horas)III. Formas positivas de apoyar el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños (2 horas)VIII: Principios de desarrollo y aprendizaje infantil (4 horas)Nivel 2 - ImplementosPara diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envíelo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: credit@inclusivechildcare.org. * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. Course