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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Inclusion: Six Essential Program Practices High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting this type of care is inclusion of infants and toddlers with special needs (PITC, n.d., a). Document
Indiana Resource Center for Autism Realizing the increasing incidence of autism spectrum disorders, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism staff are actively engaged in work that leads to improved outcomes for individuals on the spectrum and their families. Specifically, our work is focused on goals around early detection and diagnosis, effective early childhood and school-age programs that utilize evidence-based practices, transition across grade levels and across stages of life, post-secondary opportunities, community employment and living options, family support, and other activities that lead to an improved quality of life. Website
Individualized Care: Six Essential Program Practices Document
Infant & Toddler Feeding Recommendations for Family Child Care Home Providers This video playlist was developed for the Infant and Toddler Feeding Recommendations for Family Child Care Home Providers online training. This was a collaborative project between the University of California (UC) Nutrition Policy Institute, UC San Francisco California Childcare Health Program, UCSF School of Nursing, UC Merced, and UC Cooperative Extension by a grant provided by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR). Website
Infant Training Modules These modules from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning focus on promoting the social and emotional competence of very young children. Topics include understanding social-emotional development and behavior, building and sustaining relationships, and supporting social-emotional development. Materials include PowerPoints, handouts, video clips, and a trainer's guide. Document
Infant/Toddler Materials Guide The choices for designing a quality childcare program for young children can be overwhelming for a childcare professional, especially when working with a limited budget. This guide has been created to help you to design a high-quality environment for young infants (under 9 months), mobile infants (6-18 months), and older infants (16-36 months), while making the best choices for your budget. Purchasing the correct materials is not sufficient; supervision and interaction with interested adults is necessary for children to make full use of them. Through intentional teaching, materials can be used for both child-guided experiences and adult-guided experiences. Materials need to be: interesting to children, sturdy, age appropriate, offer variety and choice, and be arranged in such a way as to encourage independence and creativity Document
Infants and Toddlers: A Video Collection Featuring a collection of 200 short video clips, this site will provide users with a perfect window into the world of infants and toddlers and their daily experiences in child care. Users will see the wide range of tasks and roles that early childhood professionals take on each day. Finally, many of the clips highlight the importance of the partnerships that form between parents and the educators who care for their young children. Clips may be searched by criteria (e.g., develop-mental domain, activity language development, or educator strategies, like following the child's lead), age of the children, or setting. It is also possible to find videos by doing a key word search Website
Is-Daryeelidda Shaqaalaha Caruurta Yaryar Daryeesha Waxna Barta (Self-Care for Early Care and Education Professionals) Warqad talobixin ah oo istiraatiijiyado is-daryeelid ah oo wax ku ool ah loogu talagalay daryeelka hore iyo xirfadlayaasha waxbarashada. Tip sheet with practical self-care strategies for early care and education professionals. Tipsheet
Lactancia materna y programas de cuidado infantil (Breastfeeding and Child Care Programs) Los proveedores de cuidado infantil que apoyan y tienen políticas favorables a la lactancia materna brindan a los bebés bajo su cuidado el mejor comienzo posible en la vida. Esta hoja de consejos explica los beneficios de la lactancia materna y proporciona pautas para el almacenamiento de la leche materna. Child care providers who support and have breast feeding-friendly policies, provide babies in their care the best start they can in life. This tip sheet explains the benefits of breast feeding as well as provides breast milk storage guidelines.  Tipsheet
Let's Stop Yelling in Child Care As an early educator, you are in a position to positively impact both children and other adults you work with through your words and your actions! This tip sheet offers strategies to prevent yelling and encourage positive behaviors. Tipsheet