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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Fostering Resilience in Families Coping with Depression Research on children at Head Start age or older whose families face adversities, including depression, has shown that many children do surprisingly well. The word resilience has been used to describe the qualities of these children. Identifying strengths and building on resources are ways of fostering resilience and two of the principle goals of Head Start. Document
Four Important Things to Know About the Transition to School The March 2015 newsletter from the Harvard Family Research Project offers resources to support the process of transition to school. Research shows that children from homes with increased social and economic risk benefit the most from activities that support smooth transitions; yet these are the children least likely to receive them. Features in the newsletter offer both the evidence-base supporting the importance of the transition to school and profiles of programs that are working to support equitable and effective transitions for children and families. Document
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center is one of the nation's oldest multidisciplinary centers for the study of young children and their families. This site offers resource information including training and resource guides, program quality scales, and program models. Website
Fraser Fraser serves children of all abilities under age six and children over six and adults with special needs. Services include Fraser School (an inclusive preschool), Fraser Child & Family Center children's mental health services), Fraser Rehabilitation Services, Fraser Home based Services and Fraser Residential Services. Website
Getting In Tune Creating Nurturing Relationships With Infants And Toddlers This video from the Far West Laboratory Center for Child and Family Studies highlights the importance of getting in tune with infants and toddlers.
Goodwill-Easter Seals of Minnesota Serving Minnesota for nearly 100 years as a leader in workforce development, Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota provides education, job training and placement services to eliminate barriers to work and independence. Revenue from 45+ retail stores, along with other contributions, supports programs throughout MN. Our “donate-shop-reuse-educate-employ” model diverts over 50M pounds from landfills annually and brings us one step closer to a world where everyone experiences the power of work. The Goodwill Easter seals website contains information on the Goodwill equipment loan program. The site also has a disability information hotline that will assist with finding information on assistive technology, vocational rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, accessible housing, specific learning disabilities, support groups, social security disability, and special needs camps/recreation. Website
Group Time--Do you Love it or Dread it: Part One There are many areas of programming where challenging behaviors occur. Group or circle time is often an activity where children can struggle to stay tuned in and adults can be frustrated by not meeting their goals for it. Listen to this podcasts for creative ideas on how to accomplish your goals with group time by thinking outside the box. Podcast
Guidance in Choosing Developmental Screening Instruments The Commonwealth Fund has released a new manual entitled Pediatric Developmental Screening: Understanding and Selecting Screening Instruments, by Dennis Drotar, Terry Stancin, and Paul Dworkin. It is based on a comprehensive review of scientific research and is meant to assist providers in selecting and using screening instruments that are appropriate for their practice settings. Website
Guidebook for Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years This is a facilitator and viewer guidebook for Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years. This is a film created by Debbie LeeKeenan • John Nimmo • Filiz Efe McKinney Document
H is for Hope For both kids and grown-ups, hope can be a powerful force in healing from trauma.  Document