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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Estrategias de autocuidado para proveedores de cuidado infantil: Parte 2 (Self-Care Strategies for Child Care Providers: Part 2) En la segunda parte de esta serie, analizamos formas de aumentar el autocuidado cultivando la conciencia, desarrollando estrategias para controlar el estrés, la importancia del compromiso social y los beneficios del autocuidado y el manejo del estrés.In part two of two of this series, we look at ways to increase self-care by cultivating awareness, developing strategies to manage stress, the importance of social engagement, and the benefits of self-care and stress management. Tipsheet
Evaluating, Developing, and Enhancing Domain-Specific Measures of Child Care Quality Measures of quality are now in widespread use across states as part of quality improvement initiatives. For example, many states are currently using global measures of quality that were first developed for research and practice purposes (such as the Environmental Rating Scales) in their Quality Rating Systems (QRSs). Document
Every Child Can Fly Please Join Priscilla Weigel as she talks with Jani Kozlowski, Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Jani shares her story and what led her to write her book, Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion. Additional Resources Related to this podcast:Jani’s website: www.everychildcanfly.com  Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion https://www.gryphonhouse.com/books/details/every-child-can-fly-an-early-childhood-educators-guide-to-inclusion  Research and Studies on Inclusionhttps://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/research.asp Indicators of High-Quality Inclusionhttps://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/indicators.aspNew book coming out on June 1st: Empowering Your Child to Fly: A Family's Guide to Early Childhood Inclusionhttps://shop.gryphonhouse.com/products/empowering-your-child-to-fly-a-familys-guide-to-early-childhood-inclusion?variant=48539511357732  Podcast
Evidence-based Practice Briefs Many interventions exist for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet, scientific research has found only some of these interventions to be effective. The interventions that researchers have shown to be effective are called evidence-based practices (EBPs). One reason for using EBPs is because, by law, teaching practices must be based on evidence of effectiveness. Each brief in this list provides an overview and general description, step-by-step instructions of implementation, an implementation checklist, and the evidence-base which includes the list of references that demonstrate the practice meets the NPDC's criteria. Website
Facilitating Administrative Change Toward Infant/Toddler Community Services (FACTICS) FACTICS is an organization offered through Florida State University dedicated to facilitating change in infant/toddler community services. The website offers training modules and workshops based on the organization's steps, which are: Step 1: Identifying your Vision, Step 2: Plannig your Vision, Step 3: Diffusing your Vision, Step 4: Delivering your Vision, Step 5: Living your Vision. It also offers staff development. Website
Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy The Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) website provides extensive information and resources on SMA, including research, newsletters, printer resources, and message boards. The site will link to relevant ideas and articles from various other websites as well as link to the Minnesota Chapter of SMA. Website
Family Connections: A Mental Health Consultation Model Explore Family Connections, a preventive, system-wide mental health consultation and training approach to strengthen the capacity of early care and education professionals. These resources can be used when working with families dealing with parental depression and related adversities, working with children in classrooms and in the home, and engaging and supporting parents struggling with adversities.  Website
Farm to Early Care Resource List A list of favorite Farm to Table resources from Renewing the Countryside Document
Fascets : Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consultation, Education and Training FASCETS; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consultation, Education and Training Services, Inc. services are designed to increase understanding, build on strengths, expand options for developing effective parenting and professional techniques, enhance existing programs and support development of new programs that work with children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Goals include reducing frustration, increasing effectiveness, improving outcomes, and preventing burnout in parents, professionals and people with FAS/ARND of all ages. The long term goal of this work is to contribute to the prevention of FAS/ARND. The website provides workshop information, helpful links, reference tools, and useful personal stories. Website
Federation for Children with Special Needs The Federation for Children with Special Needs provides parents in Massachusetts with parent groups, advocacy information, and legislative information. The site offers publications, reference books, and links to national parent education centers. Website