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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care) Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, iyo marti-sharaf gaar ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlay doorka baruhu ku leeyahay daryeelka hore iyo goobaha waxbarashada.In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the role of the educator in early care and education settings.   Podcast
Early Childhood Family Toolkit This is a toolkit for creating a culture of achievement at home, beginning prenatally through the transition to kindergarten. This guide was developed by the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) in partnership with Little Moments Count on the belief that parents and caregivers are children’s first and most important teachers. Website
Early Childhood Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety Resource List This comprehensive resource list is from the Office of Head Start National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Saftey. Document
Easter Seals Disability Services Expanding and developing new child care centers that provide services to children of all abilities is a challenging proposition. Easter Seals has successfully met that challenge through a national network of Child Development Centers. In our experience, two of the major barriers to the operation of and inclusive model are managing the financial resources available and the development of appropriate facilities. On this website, you can order a "Fiscal and Design Solutions Package" that gives you a financial planning booklet and excel workbook as well as a design guide. With a grant from The Child Care Bureau, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families, Easter Seals has developed two tools to help child care providers address these major barriers to inclusive child care. Website
Eating Healthy at Home Child Care Aware of America is engaged in partnerships and initiatives with other organizations focused on children’s health. They are proud to partner with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and showcase some of their recent work.      Together, the Alliance and Kohl’s Corporation developed the Eating Healthy at Home campaign, focused on helping families take small steps to make the healthy choice the easy choice.  Website
Effective Classroom Practice: Infants and Toddlers "During the earliest years, infants and toddlers interact primarily with people. Their interactions with toys are usually in the context of human interaction as well. They need to freely explore, manipulate, and test everything in the environment. Increasingly in today’s world, this includes the exploration of technology tools and interactive media." Here is a guide for the use of technology: Selected Examples of Effective Classroom Practice Involving Technology Tools and Interactive Media from NAEYC. Document
Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children Corporal punishment – or the use of spanking as a disciplinary tool –increases aggression in young children in the long run and is ineffective in teaching a child responsibility and self-control. In fact, new evidence suggests that it may cause harm to the child by affecting normal brain development. Other methods that teach children right from wrong are safer and more effective. This article is from Robert D. Sege, Benjamin S. Siegel, Council on Child Abuse and Neglect and the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Document
Elementos esenciales de los entornos para infantes y niños pequeños: # 3 Exploración y respeto iniciados por el niño (Essential Elements of Infant &Toddler Environments: #3 Child-Initiated Exploration and Respect) El tercero de una serie de seis elementos esenciales en el diseño de ambientes para infantes y niños pequeños. The third in a series of six essential elements in designing environments for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Emergency Preparedness Tip Sheets Use these tip sheets with Head Start and Early Head Start families and staff affected by a crisis or tragic event. Learn to focus on children's responses to these events, as well as ways to help them cope. Website
Emotional Literacy: Using Feeling Faces "The Feeling Faces assist children with understanding their feelings and the feelings of others. It is important to teach children words to use to express feelings in replace of the use of challenging behavior. The feeling posters can be used in a variety of ways to help children learn social emotional skills around use of emotional literacy and vocabulary." -National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) Document