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Resource Name Description Resource Type
50 Ways Forest and Outdoor Learning Experiences Benefit Child Development "Everyone loves the great outdoors. Children love playing in nature’s playground. They love gloriously muddy outdoor adventures. They love to explore further than the eye can see. They love to discover wildlife as they go. Connecting with nature is key to creativity and curiosity. Key findings agree." Check out this amazing resource created by Forest Holidays UK. Website
8 Things Caregivers Can Do to Ease Young Children’s Anxiety "Young children who frequently experience anxious feelings need patient, caring, and knowledgeable adults to provide them with effective support. Adapted from the home visiting guidebook Tackling the Tough Stuff by Angela Tomlin and Stephan A. Viehweg, the tips in [this blog post from Brooke's Publishing] can help. Share these ideas with the parents of young children—and adapt them for any setting to help kids work through their fears and worries." Website
8 Tips for Helping Kids with Social Skills Issues Cope with the Holiday Season For kids with social skills issues, holiday events can pose challenges and create stress. Use these eight simple tips to help your child successfully navigate this very social season. Document
89 Percent of Parents Would Have Emotionally Healthier Kids If They Stopped This 1 Habit Researchers found a connection between parents who stopped to interact with devices such as phones, tablets, or laptops during time with their children and those children's behavioral problems, including hyperactivity, whining, and tantrums. Document
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Young Students "While teachers don’t need to know the details of preschoolers’ adverse experiences, offering appropriate care and support is crucial." Check out the full Edutopia article below. Website
A Treasury of Read-Alouds: Poetry for Children This amazing list of poems for children is from the Academy of American Poets. Enjoy!     Website
About Our Kids The NYU Child Study Center offers science-based, research-driven psychiatric care to children and adolescents with learning, behavior, and emotional disorders. Our research initiatives advance our understanding of the causes and treatments of child mental disorders, and these findings are then integrated into our clinical care to provide state-of-the-art service. Outreach programs translate scientific research into everyday skills for parents and educators and into practical applications for pediatricians and mental health professionals around the country. Advanced training efforts prepare the next generation of mental health professionals to meet the demands of a complex and expanding field and help ensure that tomorrow's children will continue to benefit from the translation of research into advanced clinical care and effective treatments. The New York University Child Study Center is dedicated to increasing the awareness of child mental health issues and improving the treatment of child psychiatric illnesses through scientific practice, research, and education. Website
ACEs and Toxic Stress: Frequently Asked Questions The term “ACEs” is an acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has created a helpful "ACEs" infographic that can be downloaded here.  You will also find answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about "ACEs." Website
Activities for Helping Children Deal with Divorce When working with young children and their families, early care and education professionals sometimes find themselves in the position of helping children cope and work through changes in their family systems. One such change that undoubtedly has an effect on young children is divorce. Document
Activities, Experiences and Resources for Use with Children The World Forum Foundation created these Educator and Family Toolkits in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Document