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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Comprehensive Synthesis of EIBI for Children with Autism A 3-part comprehensive synthesis of the early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) for young children with autism based on the University of California at Los Angeles Young Autism Project method (Lovaas in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 39, 1987) is presented. The three components of the synthesis were: (a) descriptive analyses, (b) effect size analyses, and(c) a meta-analysis. Document
CoulterVideo This site features videos, articles and other resources to help people with Asperger Syndrome and autism deal with the world, and to help others in the world understand and appreciate them. We focus on practical supports and solutions. Website
COVID-19: Caring For Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs Here are some ways parents and caregivers can help themselves, their families, and their children with special health care needs meet their safety, growth and health care needs during the COVID-19 outbreak: Website
Cómo prevenir la expulsión en el cuidado infantil (Preventing Expulsion in Child Care) Estrategias para prevenir la suspensión y expulsión de niños con conductas desafiantes. Strategies to prevent suspension and expulsion of children with challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Creativity--Looking for Children’s Cues In this podcast, Priscilla Weigel and Cindy Croft will discuss children who can present challenges to us by their engagement. Some children are eager to participate in activities and others may need social prompting and encouragement in order to join in the fun. Children show creativity in many ways that can differ from our ideas; we need to read their cues to see when they need some help and when we need to follow their lead! Podcast
Daily Picture Schedule The world can be a scary and unpredictable place for children. We can help them feel safe by making things feel predictable and familiar through the use of daily picture schedules. Document
Daily Separations and Reunions Parents, staff, and children all experience intense emotions when young children leave or return to a caregiver's program. It is important to provide emotional support for staff, parents, and children. The pattern of "give and take" that occurs among young children and their parents and caregivers shapes how children feel about themselves. Website
Dajinta Qorshaha Tageerada Habdhaqanka Wanaagsan (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Qorshaha habdhaqanka wanaagsan waa qorshe hawleed qeexaya talaabooyin gaar ah oo loo adeegsan karo in lagu dhiirrigeliyo guusha ilmaha iyo ka-qaybgalka waxqabadyada iyo casharrada maalinlaha ah. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay daboolaysaa qaab shaqsiyeed oo ku wajahan geedi socodka qorshaynta. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet
Dejemos de gritar en el cuidado infantil (Let's Stop Yelling in Child Care) Como educador de la primera infancia, ¡usted está en posición de impactar positivamente tanto a los niños como a otros adultos con los que trabaja a través de sus palabras y sus acciones! Esta hoja de consejos ofrece estrategias para prevenir los gritos y fomentar comportamientos positivos. As an early educator, you are in a position to positively impact both children and other adults you work with through your words and your actions! This tip sheet offers strategies to prevent yelling and encourage positive behaviors. Tipsheet
Desarrollo del plan de apoyo de comportamiento positivo (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Un plan de comportamiento positivo es un plan de acción que describe los pasos específicos que se pueden utilizar para promover el éxito y la participación de un niño en las actividades y lecciones diarias. Esta hoja de consejos cubre un enfoque individual del proceso de planificación. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet