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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children with Special Needs: Transitions) Jadwalka joogtada ah iyo filashooyinka cad waxay taageeraan guusha dhammaan carruurta iyo gaar ahaan carruurta leh barashada gaarka ah iyo baahiyaha bulshada. Kala-guurka la qorsheeyey oo qaabaysan ayaa noqon kara qayb waxtar u leh hawl maalmeedka guuleysta kaasoo siiya aasaas joogto ah dhammaan barashada kale ee dhici doonta maalinta oo dhan. Tipsheet
CDC Autism Fact Sheet The USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (USC UCEDD) has translated the "Learn the Signs. Act Early" Autism Fact Sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) into multiple languages to reach underserved populations. The Autism Fact Sheet provides a one-page tool for clinicians to share with families to raise awareness about developmental delay, which may be related to autism or other developmental disabilities. It is now available in Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. Website
Center for Disease Control (Act Early) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), in collaboration with a number of national partners, launched a public awareness campaign called "Learn the Signs. Act Early." The campaign aims to educate parents about childhood development, including early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, and encourages developmental screening and intervention. Website
Challenging Behavior and the Role Adults Play Young children may use challenging behavior to ask the adults around them for help expressing strong emotions and learning to get along with others. It is our job as caregivers to intentionally respond to these behaviors. In doing so, we take on many roles to support the growth and development of a child. Tipsheet
Challenging Behavior--Aggression [Dabeecadaha adag: Dagaalka/Gardarrada] Dagaalka ama gardarrada waa dabeecad labartay oo wax lagu raadiyo.  Mararka qaarkood caruurtu dagaal iyo xumaan beey wax kaaga raadinayaan sababato oo ah wa’ay kugu dayeen wa’ayna u shaqeeysey.  Caruurta waxaa lagu caawin karaa in xumaantaan ay qaabilaan ay kubedeshaan wanaag iyo samaan ayadoo loo marayo daryeel wax ku ool ah iyo in xirfado cusub cunuga labaro. Podcast
Challenging Behavior--Power Struggle With Young Children [Dabeecadaha adag: Caruurtoo kulaficiltama oo ay halkaa kadhalato halgan awoodeed ] Badanaa dabeecadaha adag oo ilmaha lagu arko waa wax kamid ah korrinnimadooda inta ay korayaan oo ay laqabsanayaan bulshada.  Caruurta in labaro sida ay waxa ay dareemayan u sheegan karaan iyo in labaro xirfado kale oo laxiriira isxakamaynta waxay tirtiri kartaa gardarrada oo ilmaha kale lagugardaroodo ayagoo baranayaa macaamil wanaagsan. Podcast
Challenging Behavior--Putting the Pause Button between Impulse and Action [Dabeecadaha adag: Xakamaynta damaca inta uusan cunugu ficil qaadin] Markii macalinka ubadka yar yar waxbara uu cunugu laficiltamo, qof guuleeysanaya majiro.  Waxaan rabnaa caruurtu in ay bartaan in ay iskood wax u qabsadaan in ay yeeshaan xilkasnimo.  Waxaa masana lagarabaa caruurtii in ay waafaqsanyihiin nadaamka kajira goobta xanaanada iyo wax barashada iyo in ay bulshada xiriir wanaagsan lasamaystaan.  Maqaalkaan wuxuu kusiinayaa xeelado aad kaga caawinaysid caruurta in ay dhanka wanaagsan wax ka abaaran.   Podcast
Child and Adolescent Mental Health The Child and Adolescent Mental Health website is part of the National Institute of Mental Health. The site contains books, fact sheets, and summaries for the public, practioners, and researchers. The information ranges from ADHD to Youth in a Difficult World. Website
Child Care and the ADA Booklet Opportunities and Resources for Child Care Providers and Families is an easy to read document on the ADA regulations and how they interface with childcare. Document
Child Development Institute This award winning site offers information on child development, child psychology, parenting, learning, health and safety as well as childhood disorders such as attention deficit disorder, dyslexia and autism. It provides comprehensive resources and practical suggestions for parents covering toddlers to teens. Website