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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behavior The following strategies can help prevent challenging behaviors as well as positively support all children in your program, whether or not they consistently use challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Supporting Children in Uncertain Times: Responding to the Coronavirus Children may be feeling more unsettled during uncertain times, such as the current coronavirus pandemic. When children are unsettled, they may show their feelings through challenging behaviors. This tip sheet provides several ways in which adults and caregivers can help children cope. Tipsheet
Supporting Positive Behaviors "Families can make a big difference in their child’s behavior. These tip sheets from the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) offer strategies and resources for how families can promote positive behaviors by connecting with the child, talking about feelings, teaching the child positive behaviors, and doing self-care. These tip sheets are available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Somali, and Vietnamese." Website
Supporting Transitions: Using Child Development as a Guide During the course of a child’s life, change is inevitable. Families move, siblings are born, school begins and consequently, transitions happen. Knowing about children’s development can help us understand how children respond to transition.  Document
Suspensions Are Not Support: The Disciplining of Preschoolers with Disabilities Children in preschool and early childhood programs are suspended or expelled at a rate three times higher than school-aged children. However, exclusionary discipline practices might not always carry these labels – suspended and expelled. Document
Take a Look! Visual Supports for Learning "Teachers help children learn in many ways. They use examples, teach specific routines, and provide verbal explanations. Some young children, including children with disabilities or those who are learning English, need additional supports. Visual supports, such as photos, drawings, objects, gestures, and print and environmental cues, can help." Check out this article from NAEYC Teaching Young Children magazine. Document
Tell Me a Story Series Tell Me a Story will help build parent and staff capacity to use books and stories to help young children learn. Books can be used to explore important topics such as managing strong emotions, dealing with feelings of grief, or working on social skills. Website
Temperament The nine types of temperament, typical traits and characteristics associated with each, and tips for supporting positive behavior. Tipsheet
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. CSEFEL is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. Website
The Development of Self-Regulation and its Impact on Behavior [Sida caruurta looga dhiso isxakamaynta iyo sida ay usaamayso dabeecadaha] Badanaa adadayga ay caruurtu muujiso waxay kamid tahay korinnimadooda. In caruurta labaro ereyada laxiriira waxa ay dareemayaan iyo iskaxamaynta waa muhiim sababta oo ah waxay baa bi’isaa dabeecadaha adag caruurtana waxay bartaa sida wanaagsan oo dadka loola dhaqmo. Podcast