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Hidden Allergies: Cause for Disruptive Behavior, Sensory Issues and Poor Retention? This article contains information regarding allergies and how they may affect learning and behavior. Website
How To Communicate With Non-verbal Children During Meal Time From Monica Pujol-Nassif at TeachStone: "Children who are nonverbal are always communicating with us. In fact, according to Dr. Mehrabian, 93% of our communication is nonverbal in nature. Yet, just because children who are nonverbal might not be speaking to us, educators can still have a reciprocal interaction.  Try focusing on their facial expressions, following their gaze, and looking at what they pointing to. Interpret their input, and check for confirmation. Facilitate technological devices and apps that speak for them, and make available visuals they can use to show us what they want, think, need, fear, or are interested in. Lunchtime might post a more challenging time to incorporate these ideas. Here are some additional ways to support nonverbal communication during mealtimes." Website
How to Discipline Toddlers As they test their independence, setting and enforcing limits lays the groundwork for good behavior. Document
How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns In order to help a kid who’s having a meltdown or tantrum, parents need to understand what’s causing it. This is hard because it could be fear, anger, frustration, or something else. Here is a helpful article from the Child Mind Institute. Document
How to Identify Stress in a Child Stress can be just has a harmful for children as adults. Since preschoolers don't articulate their emotions well, spotting anxiety in kids and how stress appears is the first step to supporting them. Website
How to Take the Stress Out of the Holidays From the Child Mind Institute, "We are reminded, every year at this time, how difficult holidays can be for people who are lonely or alone. But let’s be honest: even for families rich in children, holidays can be stressful—both for parents and kids."  Website
Ilmaha uu haysto walaaca badan (Children Experiencing Stress) Sida dadka waaweyn, xoogaa culeys maskaxeed oo carruurta ah waa iska caadi—oo lagama maarmaan u ah badbaadada. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa macluumaad ku saabsan walwalka guud ee carruurta iyo istiraatiijiyado daryeel bixiyayaashu si ay uga caawiyaan yareynta culeyska iyo kor u qaadida dareenka wanaagsan ee carruurta oo dhan. Tipsheet
Implementing Policies to Reduce the Likelihood of Preschool Expulsion This policy brief examines factors associated with expulsion from Prekindergarten (PK). Recent research has explored issues regarding the rate at which preschoolers (children ages three to four) are expelled from PK programs, as well as some of the factors associated with expulsion and the effectiveness of mental health consultation to reduce the classroom behavior problems that may lead to expulsion. Although several factors that predict an increased likelihood of expulsion have been described, this brief addresses those factors that may inform changes in policy that can be both implemented and regulated. Website
Inclusion Webinars from ECLKC "Explore these webinars about inclusion issues related to children with disabilities or suspected delays. Topics include interactions, individualization, effective teaching practices, clarification of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS), practice-based coaching, and more! Find three series to choose from:" High-Quality Inclusion Federal Series focuses on clarification of issues with insights from federal staff Highly Individualized Practices Series focuses on strategies that education staff can use every day in their classrooms and on home visits Disability Services in the Head Start Program Performance Standards Series focuses on the issues that are unique to the Head Start community Website
Indiana Resource Center for Autism Realizing the increasing incidence of autism spectrum disorders, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism staff are actively engaged in work that leads to improved outcomes for individuals on the spectrum and their families. Specifically, our work is focused on goals around early detection and diagnosis, effective early childhood and school-age programs that utilize evidence-based practices, transition across grade levels and across stages of life, post-secondary opportunities, community employment and living options, family support, and other activities that lead to an improved quality of life. Website