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Communicating with Your Doctor Maia, now in college, shares her strategy for talking to her doctor when she started to take over management of her health care. Document
Competencies for Early Childhood in the Context of Inclusion: Guidance and Issues for States The National Professional Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) has released a concept paper identifying issues and providing guidance to states as they develop early educator competencies in the context of inclusion. Key issues include ensuring competencies reflect emerging research on effective practices for working in inclusive settings for children with and without disabilities, as well as linking early educator competencies with quality professional development opportunities, accountability systems, and other components of a comprehensive early childhood system. Document
Complex Child Complex Child is a monthly online magazine written by parents of children with special healthcare needs and disabilities. It is intended to provide medical information, along with personal experiences, in simple language that other parents can understand. Website
CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge Web-based, instructional resources for faculty and other professional development providers to support the use of evidence-based practices in work with young children (0-5) and their families. Website
Connecticut Birth to Three The Birth to Three System website offers a variety of resources ranging from eligibilty and referrals to information on laws and regulations. They also offer a number of programs. There are comprehensive programs throughout Connecticut that have been approved by the Birth to Three System to complete eligibility evaluations, and provide services and supports for families. Each program serves a specific set of towns, and can be selected by any family living in one of those towns. There are three programs that specialize in working with families whose children are deaf or hard of hearing: The American School for the Deaf, CREC-Soundbridge and NECHEAR. These three programs work with families from any Connecticut town. There are also a number of Autism-specific programs serving families in specific towns. Every Birth to Three program offers: evaluation in the home by trained professionals services provided where the child normally spends his day, such as his home, a child care setting, or local playgroup flexible scheduling of visits services that focus on helping the family to help their child within the family's daily life, culture, values, and priorities information in their native language unless it is clearly not feasible to do so. If a parent is deaf or blind, the mode of communication will be that which is normally used, such as Braille, sign language, or oral communication. a variety of trained staff who can help the family work on goals related to their child's needs and their family's priorities. All people working in Birth to Three programs meet personnel standards and are either a licensed or certified professional, or are supervised by a professional. Website
Cooley's Anemia Foundation Cooley's Anemia Foundation provides professional education to combat Thalassemia, a fatal hereditary blood disease, it is also known as Cooley's Anemia or Mediterranean Anemia. The website provides information on legal advocacy, medical fellowships, research information, and resources for sale. Website
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) Foundation, Inc The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) Foundation acts as an international family support network that ensures early and accurate diagnosis of CdLS and promotes research into the causes of the syndrome and how to best cope with it as families and individuals. A few links and a concise history and explanation of the syndrome and in-house publications are available through the site. Website
Council for Exceptional Children The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) website offers extensive information about advocating for appropriate governmental policies, setting professional standards, providing continuing professional development, by advocating for newly and historically undeserved individuals with exceptionalities and helping professionals achieve the conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. Links to ERIC database on related articles and an online magazine available. Website
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Center Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, part of Allina Health, provides a continuum of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and community services. The Institute's goal is to maximize quality of life for people of all ages and all abilities. We help people achieve health and wellness through providing excellent services, innovative programs, ground-breaking research, and barrier-shattering advocacy. Website
COVID-19: Caring For Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs Here are some ways parents and caregivers can help themselves, their families, and their children with special health care needs meet their safety, growth and health care needs during the COVID-19 outbreak: Website