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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Visual Supports in the Early Childhood Setting Benefits of- and tips for implementing visual aids, or visuals, in the early childhood classroom Tipsheet
What is Challenging Behavior Whether a child's behavior is focused outward or inward, caregivers can work to alleviate challenging behavior through positive behavior supports. This tip sheet explores ways to identify and prevent challenging behavior. Tipsheet
What Is Inclusive Child Care? "Research has shown that inclusion, when done well, can be a very positive experience for both young children with special needs and their typically developing peers. Child care providers can play an important role in making inclusive child care successful." Here is some more information from the Extension Alliance for Better Child Care. Document
Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn When students use their bodies in the learning process, it can have a big effect, even if it seems silly or unconnected to the learning goal at hand. For example, this resource shares how researchers have found that when students use their bodies while doing mathematical storytelling, it changes the way they think about math. "We understand language in a richer, fuller way if we can connect it to the actions we perform," said Sian Beilock, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. Website
Wilderness Inquiry (WI) Wilderness Inquiry is a non- profit organization dedicated to promoting outdoor fun for people of all abilities and walks of life. The outdoor activities are in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Website
Xaasaasiyadda Cuntada (Food Allergies) Calaamadaha iyo astaamaha xasaasiyadda cuntada ee ugu badan carruurta yaryar iyo xeelado looga hortago soo-gaadhista. Signs and symptoms of the most common food allergies in young children and strategies to prevent exposure. Tipsheet
Xeelado Kahortagaya Dabeecadaha Adag (Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behaviors) Xeeladaha tageerada wanaagsan waxay kahortagi karaan dabeecadaha adag caruurtaadana xanaanada ku wanaajin kara. Good support strategies can prevent difficult behaviors and improve your child's care. Tipsheet
Xoojinta Xiriirka Aas aasiga ah ee Caruurta Lagu Hayyo Xanaanada iyo Barnaamiijta Waxbarashada (Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs) Sababtoo ah cilaaqaadyadu waa udub dhexaadka horumarka iyo barashada, daryeelka hore, iyo bixiyeyaasha waxbarashadu waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan nolosha carruurta ay la shaqeeyaan. Xaashidan tilmaanta ahi waxay daboolaysaa sida loo abuuro xiriirro tayo leh carruurta aad daryeesho. Because relationships are at the core of development and learning, early care, and education providers play a critical role in the lives of the children with whom they work. This tip sheet covers how to establish quality relationships with the children in your care. Tipsheet
Your Child: Development and Behavior Resources The University of Michigan Your Child site has a links of information regarding children with special health needs. The site has information regarding heart disease and asthma/lung conditions. The site also contains information on immunizations, injury prevention, nutrition and CPR/First Aid to name a few. Website