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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Supporting Children with Medication Administration Needs It is essential caregivers and teachers DO NOT take a casual approach when administering medication to children in their care. Using a formal process when administering medication will minimize medication-related injuries and decrease liability risk factors to the caregivers and teachers. Tipsheet
Supporting Children with Type 1 Diabetes Child care programs cannot refuse providing care to a child because he or she has diabetes. The following information will help you in setting up support in the event you have a child with Type 1 Diabetes in your care. Tipsheet
The Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) The Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) is a professional association of more than 700 members. The members of our organization are a diverse group of professionals representing early care and education across Minnesota. The members are teachers, center directors, site coordinators, family childcare providers, program managers, trainers, and advocates. MnAEYC promotes quality in early care and education programs and supports the leadership and development of early care and education professionals. We forward this mission by focusing on Professional Development, Program Improvement, and Policy & Advocacy. Members network with one another, support each other, and learn together, while they grow as professionals. Website
Therapro Therapro: The therapy resource for families and professionals! We provide therapists, teachers, parents and other caregivers with the highest quality and most economical therapeutic and educational resources for all ages and abilities, from kids to adults. Our goal is to provide unique speech and occupational therapy supplies for preventive, developmental, and rehabilitative care. With the right tools, including occupational therapy assessments and evaluations, kids and adult activities, games, products and toys, developing gross motor skills, fine motor skills and communication skills is less frustrating, and will result in better outcomes in a shorter period of time. Website
Todoba Xeeladood oo Lagu Dhiso Bay’ad Caruurta aqbashada Dhamaantoodna Soo Jiidata (Seven Inclusion Strategies) Xeeladaha xirfadeed ee daryeelka carruurta iyo waxbarashada si loo abuuro jawi ay carruurta oo dhami ku leeyihiin dareen lahaansho. Child care and education professional strategies to create an environment in which all children have a sense of belonging. Tipsheet
Transition from Preschool Services to Kindergarten The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center offers links to National Centers, studies and specialized projects that provide resources on transition to kindergarten. Website
Trauma: Cómo responden los niños (Trauma: How Children Respond) Definición de trauma y respuestas de desarrollo de niños pequeños a experiencias traumáticas. Definition of trauma and developmental responses of young children to traumatic experiences. Tipsheet
Using Children's Literature to Learn about Disabilities Joan Blaska's book "Using Children's Literature to Learn about Disablities and Illness," 2nd edition is an invaluable resource for parents and educators. A must read for individuals wanting to help children learn about disabilites and illnesses through young children's literature. Website
Vaccine Information Statements Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) are information sheets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Website
Visual Supports in the Early Childhood Setting Benefits of- and tips for implementing visual aids, or visuals, in the early childhood classroom Tipsheet