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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Preventing the Spread of Communicable Illness Communicable illnesses—also known as an infectious or transmissible diseases—are often easily prevented with proper handwashing procedures and strict enforcement of health and exclusion protocols and guidelines. This tip sheet covers how germs are spread and how best to prevent infections in the child care setting. Tipsheet
Princeton Child Development Center Princeton Child Development Institute is nationally and internationally known for its applied behavior analysis research in autism intervention. Current research and development activities focus on language acquisition and social interaction; promotion of decision-making skills and independence from caregivers; systems analysis and construction of quality assurance systems; expansion of career options and supported-employment opportunities for young adults; and ongoing research on family-style, community-based models of residential treatment. Research leading to the development of replicable treatment models is an essential element of the Institute's programs, because it benefits not only individuals currently receiving services, but potentially, all people with autism. Website
Problemas de desarrollo: Cuándo remitir los niños (Developmental Concerns: When to Refer Children) Esta hoja de consejos presenta los hitos típicos del desarrollo para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años de edad y qué hacer cuando hay problemas de desarrollo. This tip sheet presents the typical developmental milestones for children birth to 3 years of age and what to do when there are developmental concerns. Tipsheet
Remaking Recess Here's a Remaking Recess "Booklet" from the Autism Intervention Research Network – Behavioral Health (AIR-B) that describes the program.  It's a great introduction to Remaking Recess and has lots of hands-on strategies you can start using right away.   Website
Satisfacer las Necesidades de Varias Edades en el Cuidado Infantil Familiar (Meeting the Needs of Multiple Ages in Family Child Care) En un entorno de edades mixtas, los niños pueden formar relaciones significativas que construyan un sentido de comunidad entre los niños, los cuidadores y los padres. Esta hoja de consejos ayudará a los proveedores a reconocer y cuidar a cada niño como un individuo con capacidades únicas, al tiempo que unifica los indicadores a través de las edades de los niños bajo su cuidado. In a mixed-age setting, children can form meaningful relationships that build a sense of community among children, caregivers, and parents. This tip sheet will help providers recognize and care for each child as an individual with unique capabilities while unifying indicators across ages of the children in their care. Tipsheet
Sensory Intervention Strategies and Environmental Adaptations Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) can be over-sensitive or under responsive (or a combination of both) to stimuli. Learn how to create a predictable and structured environment in your child care setting, which can enhance the performance for a child who has SPD.  Tipsheet
Sida ay Ciyaartu Uhormariso Dhismaha Maskaxda (How Play Promotes Cognitive Development) Cayaartu waxay kor u qaadaa horumarinta xirfadaha fahanka badan. Markay carruurtu ka qaybgalaan ciyaarta oo ay helaan fursado ay si buuxda ugu lug yeeshaan waxa ay sameynayaan, oo ay horumariyaan habab aad u xeel dheer oo feker ah. Play promotes the development of a multitude of cognitive skills. When children participate in play and have opportunities to become fully involved in what they are doing, and they develop more sophisticated and complex ways of thinking. Tipsheet
Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behavior The following strategies can help prevent challenging behaviors as well as positively support all children in your program, whether or not they consistently use challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Supervisión activa: Fuera (Active Supervision: Outside) El juego al aire libre es activo, por lo que los niños necesitarán más supervisión que en el interior. Mantenga a los niños seguros afuera siguiendo las estrategias en esta hoja de consejos. Tipsheet
Supervisión activa: Tiempo libre (Active Supervision: Free Time) Los cuidadores son responsables de mantener seguros a los niños. La supervisión activa requiere vigilancia constante, atención enfocada y observación intencional de los niños en todo momento. Tipsheet