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MES English (Free Printables) Free resources for teachers of young learners. All of the resources are designed to be versatile and useful in many K-6 classrooms. Includes free flashcards, worksheets and handouts to match, free phonics cards, free ESL games, an international project exchange library, printable certificates, printable stickers and activities all ready for printing. Website
Minnesota Department of Education - The Successful Learner Equation "The Successful Learner Equation is used to recognize and uplift the individuals, programs, and systems that contribute to the success of each learner. This page, from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), includes links to their 18-minute webinar, a one-page flyer with an overview of the equation, and a language guide that provides examples of alternative language to use when communicating with others on this topic." Website
Model Me Kids Model Me Kids® is dedicated to producing high quality teaching tools for children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and Nonverbal Learning Disorder. We strive to make our products affordable so that they are accessible to both families and educators. Designed as a teaching tool for children, adolescents, and teenagers with Autism, Aspergers, PDD-NOS, Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD or NLD), and developmental delays, the videos are used by parents, teachers, and therapists. The videos are also helpful for teaching children with developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome. Website
Pets in the Family Child Care Setting Guidelines, precautions, and tips for providers with pets in the FCC to ensure all children, adults, and animals are healthy and safe. Tipsheet
Planning for the Transition to Kindergarten: Why it Matters and how to Support Success The transition to kindergarten is a time that presents changing demands, expectations, and supports for children and their families. When children experience discontinuities between preschool and kindergarten, they may be at greater risk for academic failure and social adjustment problems. Thus, building and implementing a seamless kindergarten transition can make a significant difference for children's early education experience. Document
Play Activities to Encourage Motor Development in Child Care Play is crucial to the development of children's gross and fine motor skills. Through play, children practice and perfect control and coordination of large body movements, as well as small movements of hands and fingers. Child care providers can support young children's motor development by planning play activities that provide children with regular opportunities to move their bodies. Website
Pocket Full of Therapy Pocket Full of Therapy offers select pediatric and school based therapy products and toys. The site organizers have found unique materials needed to provide effective, appropriate, motivating, and fun pediatric therapy and learning. The catalog is arranged into categories pertinent to child development. Website
Preguntas para hacer cuando busque cuidado infantil (Questions to Ask When Seeking Child Care) Cuando busque cuidado infantil, ¿cómo puede encontrar la información que necesita para preparar a su hijo para el éxito y evitar la expulsión? Cuando entreviste a los posibles cuidadores, es útil ser proactivo. Inicie la conversación con las preguntas de esta hoja de consejos. When seeking child care, how do you find the information you need to set your child up for success and avoid expulsion As you interview potential caregivers, it helps to be proactive. Start the conversation with the questions on this tip sheet. Tipsheet
Preparing for and Responding to Measles in Your Child Care Measles can spread quickly in a child care setting and can cause serious illness. Infants who are too young to be vaccinated and children with other health conditions are at high risk for severe disease. The most important step you can take is to ensure children and staff are vaccinated with the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine. The MMR vaccine is safe and effective at preventing measles disease. Learn more from this resource from the Minnesota Department of Health Document
Prevención de la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas (Preventing the Spread of Communicable Illness) Las enfermedades transmisibles, también conocidas como enfermedades infecciosas o transmisibles, a menudo se pueden prevenir fácilmente con procedimientos adecuados de lavado de manos y aplicación estricta de protocolos y pautas de salud y exclusión. Esta hoja de consejos cubre cómo se propagan los gérmenes y cuál es la mejor manera de prevenir infecciones en el entorno de cuidado infantil. Tipsheet